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Foreign newsreels 1961 № 576

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News, 12 footages, Duration: 0:13:06 to collection F 8/5/2016

Radar Tower.

The situation in Berlin.

NATO maneuvers in Berlin.

Protests Scots.

The ship "Santa Maria".


September 1939.


Foreign newsreels 1971 № 2637

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:49 to collection F 8/4/2016

USA, South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, Germany, West Berlin, East Germany - The fight against fascism, imperialism, racism and war and between countries, the chronicle material over the years.

Speech by Springer (Russian version).

Foreign newsreels 1971 № 2645

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News, 5 footages, Duration: 0:12:10 to collection F 8/4/2016

Czechoslovakia - Cleaning up a shoe factory "Suite" in Gotvaldove after May 1, the 26th anniversary of the liberation of Czechoslovakia and the 50th anniversary of KPCh.

Vengriya - XXII Congress of the Hungarian trade unions.

Hungary - A session of the World Peace Council in Budapest (EDL not).

Hungary - A report from the Budapest International Fair.

Bulgaria - A referendum for a new constitution UXO.

Revolution and civil war in Russia. (1908 - 1924)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 1:25:44 to collection B 8/4/2016

The barricade of firewood at the Palace square in October 1917.

VI Lenin speaks at a meeting of the 3rd Congress of the Comintern in 1921.

The panorama of Palace square in October 1917, the cadets on duty at the wood barricades.

Trucks with soldiers in the back drove away from the Palace square during the events of July 1917 in Petrograd.

The soldiers in the trenches, rallies on the front in March 1917, fraternization with the enemy, the face of Russian and German soldiers.

Russian and German soldiers talk to each other.

Lenin on a walk in the Kremlin in October 1918, for recovery from injury, talking with Bonch-Bruevich V. D.


The international situation before the first world war. (1910 - 1913)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:31 to collection B 8/4/2016

King of Italy Victor Emmanuel III rides in a carriage to the entrance to the Palace.

The king from the balcony welcomes people gathered in the square.

French President R. Poincare sits in the crew.

Parade on the streets of Berlin.

The German Emperor Wilhelm II sits in the crew.

The British Royal retinue.


Domestic and foreign newsreel of the first half of the 20th century. (1912 - 1943)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 1:42:15 to collection B 8/4/2016

Emperor Nicholas II greets the officers of the Suite during one of the holidays, close members of his family.

The ceremonial entrance of Nicholas II and his entourage, Nicholas II and his family members sit in the carriage, dancing actors in the costumes of harlequin and Columbine.

A ceremony in the Moscow Kremlin during the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, is Nicholas II with members of the family retinue.

Is the Empress with the heir and the Grand Duchess, accompanied by the Grand Duke.

Officers of His Majesty's Own convoy to greet the Empress, kissing her hand.

Nicholas II and his family members sit in the carriage.

The faces of the poor and peasants.


The collective farms in the USSR. (1929 - 1931)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:38 to collection A 8/4/2016

He plays the accordion, people dancing at a village fete, the face of the accordion.

Musicians next to the accordion player play the spoons and empty bottles, dancing feet.

Girls eat sunflower seeds, people continue to dance to the accompaniment of the accordion, young people play a "trickle."

The farmers put their signatures under the commitments.

The members of the kolkhoz "Red Putilovets" go on hay.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt. (1928 - 1941)

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Footage, 4 footages, Duration: 0:07:35 to collection A 8/4/2016

Roosevelt F. D. at a polling station during the presidential election of 1932, picks up the newsletter.

Roosevelt comes into the booth and closes the curtains.

Spouse Roosevelt Eleanor comes into the booth.

Roosevelt at the entrance to the voting booth.

Roosevelt and his wife at the polling station.

Collective and private markets in the Soviet Union. (1929 - 1930)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:13 to collection A 8/4/2016

People in tents Mostorg one of the farmers ' markets, a sign on the tent.

Buyers inspect the goods.

The face of the buyer.

The hands of buyers, choosing fabrics.

A man tries on pants.

The farmer buys a collar for a horse, the people at the counter.


The aggravation of Soviet-British relations. (1927)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:59 to collection A 8/4/2016

The Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain D. Chamberlain out of the building and sits in the car.

B. Mussolini rides on the path of the Park.

Pilsudski talks with Polish politicians.

The streets of Leningrad passing car, which dropped leaflets that people pick them.

People on the street to buy a newspaper and begins to read them.

The message text of the British note to the Soviet Union and the actions of the Soviet government.
