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Foreign newsreels 1960 № 400

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:05:12 to collection F 7/21/2016

1. The candidates for US president Nixon and Kennedy during the election campaign.

2. Pope John met with the Archbishop of England Fischer.

3. "Skulls and Skeletons" (dedicated to the Day of the Dead).

Parade death, sad and funny skull skeletons.

These unique toys are the product of skillful hands of artisans who produce them out of securities and wire (Mexico).

4. The new bridge across the Yangtze.

The largest railway bridge in the world.


Foreign newsreels 1969 № 2057

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:48 to collection F 7/21/2016

Yugoslavia - The visit of Andrei Gromyko.

Foreign newsreels 1974 № 4065

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News, 10 footages, Duration: 0:11:30 to collection F 7/20/2016

Bulgaria - The ship "Petko voyvoda" built for Bulgaria in the Soviet Union.

Czechoslovakia - The visit of Soviet cosmonaut Nikolayev.

France - Test aeropoezda on the monorail.

Poland - Commemoration of the dead.


Poland - Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' XIVplenum.

Poland - Visit of Prime Minister of Norway Bratteli.


Foreign newsreels 1974 № 3739

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News, 5 footages, Duration: 0:13:04 to collection F 7/20/2016

Poland - Visit D. Biedicha.

Poland - Visit D. Biedicha.

Czechoslovakia - D. Biedicha in Prague.

Czechoslovakia - Visit of Mr.


Czechoslovakia - Visit of the party and government delegation headed by the DRV Pham Van Dong.

Foreign newsreels 1969 № 2007

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News, 4 footages, Duration: 0:10:06 to collection F 7/20/2016

France - The election campaign and the election of the president.

France - The election campaign and the election of the president.

France - The election campaign and the election of the president.

France - The inauguration ceremony for President Pompidou.

France - The inauguration ceremony for President Pompidou.

Foreign newsreels 1961 № 554

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News, 12 footages, Duration: 0:08:32 to collection F 7/20/2016

King Mohammed V appointed a representative to the UN. Mehdi Ben Aboud.

Residents of the capital of Brazil welcomes J. Kuatrasa.

A conference of representatives of the six countries of the European Economic Community.

Tokyo - the largest city in the world (Japan).

The second test jet X-15 (USA).

New York.

The meeting at the UN. Andrei Gromyko, Dean Rusk (USA).


Foreign newsreels 1961 № 724

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:03:01 to collection F 7/20/2016

Events in Algeria in 1961

Foreign newsreels 1971 № 2755

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:17 to collection F 7/20/2016

Japan - Effects of cold summer, heavy rains, typhoons - The death of the rice crop on the island of Hokkaido, landslides, loss of life.

Foreign newsreels 1973 № 3558

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News, 2 footages, Duration: 0:06:41 to collection F 7/20/2016

Japan - Young people in the religious group "Mickey" who advocate the "super powers".

Foreign newsreels 1960 № 418

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News, 2 footages, Duration: 0:03:36 to collection F 7/20/2016

Gamal Abdel Nasser opens in Cairo is the largest stadium in the Middle East.

At the opening of the stadium there, General Ibrahim Abboud (head of government of the Republic of Sudan) Holiday mother.

At the celebrations held on the occasion were presented gifts to women.

In Cairo, the House of infancy Health Minister Mohammed Nassar awards cash prizes and gifts (Egypt).