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Speech by NS Khrushchev at the 14th session of the UN General Assembly. (1959)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:46 to collection A 7/28/2016

NS Khrushchev's motorcade moving through the streets of New York, accompanied by a motorcycle escort.

People on the streets of New York welcomed Khrushchev.

General view of the UN building.

Khrushchev passes through the courtroom 14th session of the UN General Assembly, turns to face the audience, applauding back, sits down in the chair next to the podium.

The chairman gave the floor to Khrushchev.

View of the conference room, on the podium, Khrushchev.

Khrushchev speaking from the podium (synchronously).


Moscow International Forum "For a Nuclear-Free World". (1987)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:30 to collection A 7/28/2016

The explosion of a nuclear bomb.

Internal views nuclear power plant fuel rods, the workflow at the station.

View dispatching a nuclear power plant.

View of the nuclear power plant.

Flowering apple tree.

Newsreel of the late 1940s: Igor Kurchatov gives interviews (synchronously).

Kurchatov Monument in Moscow.


Foreign newsreels 1974 № 3882

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:11:38 to collection F 7/28/2016

Bulgaria - National Party conference.

Newsreel: Bulgaria's achievements in science and technology, the economy.

Poland - Meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of the States - participants of the Warsaw Pact in Warsaw.

Czechoslovakia - The Congress of the Czechoslovak Union of Women.

MPR - Bookmark theater building in Darkhan, which will be built with the help of Soviet specialists.

MPR - Construction of a new state farm, carried out by the Soviet construction of the trust.

MPR - Opening a liaison office, which was built by the Soviet Union, in the new district of Ulan Bator.


Foreign newsreels 1965 № 1093

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:38 to collection F 7/28/2016



First private surgical clinic for pets.

Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4609

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:10 to collection F 7/26/2016

Morocco, Spanish Sahara - Peace Moroccans march to the Spanish Sahara.

Stands the King of Morocco - Hassan.

Tent city Moroccans in Vers.


Troop marches in the desert.

Spain - History of Franco's rule in Spain.

Newsreels - Spanish Civil War.


Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4375

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:10:05 to collection F 7/26/2016

Mongolia - A solemn meeting dedicated to the International Women's Day.

Mongolia - the Soviet circus in the MPR.

Mongolia - the 50th anniversary of women's magazine "Mongolian women"

Mongolia - International boxing events.

Mongolia - General Gusakovsky in the MPR.

Mongolia - Soviet trucks "Belaz-540" - on construction.

Mongolia - A team of Soviet builders in the construction of the city of Darkhan.


Foreign newsreels 1974 № 3786

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News, 4 footages, Duration: 0:10:40 to collection F 7/26/2016

Syria, Yugoslavia - Tito's visit to Damascus.

The return to Belgrade.

Panama - The Yugoslav workers in the construction of the power plant.

Yugoslavia - The adoption of the new Constitution of the SFRY.

Yugoslavia - The party and government delegation of Cuba led by Fidel Castro in Macedonia.

Yugoslavia - The visit of the delegation of Algerian FLN led by Bel Kacem.

Yugoslavia - A delegation of the National Unity Front of Chile headed by K. Altomirano in Belgrade.


Foreign newsreels 1970 № 2239

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News, 2 footages, Duration: 0:06:50 to collection F 7/25/2016

Japan - Celebrating the centenary of the birth of VI Lenin in Tokyo and Osaka.

USA - The visit of French Prime Minister Georges Pompidou.

Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3187

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News, 9 footages, Duration: 0:10:46 to collection F 7/25/2016

Poland - Polish Aviation Day in the Regiment "Warszawa".

Soviet MIG.

Poland - Construction of power plant Porąbka - heat. .

Yugoslavia - Visit I.G.Maurera.

Bulgaria - Construction of Hydroelectric Power Station.

Anton Ivanovich (commander of the guerrilla units operating in the Rhodope Mountains) on the river Vacha.

Czechoslovakia - Conference-Republican staff of the Pioneer organization.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5594

Title image

News, 8 footages, Duration: 0:10:26 to collection F 7/25/2016

Czechoslovakia - Greenhouse near Prague.

In the greenhouse, running a new car - planting seedlings.

Czechoslovakia - XIV Festival of Czech and Slovak films.

Exhibition of documents and photos on the development of cinema in Czechoslovakia - in Budějovický cinema "Space".

Awarding prizes to the festival.

Czechoslovakia - International photo exhibition "Woman-77" in the Old Town Hall in Prague.

Czechoslovakia - Laboratory.
