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Arrival W. Churchill and Harriman A. Moscow. (1942)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:36 to collection A 7/28/2016

Soviet diplomatic personnel, representatives of foreign embassies are on the airfield, passes Marshal SK Timoshenko British transport plane stops at the airport after landing.

W. Churchill out of the plane, greeted with VM Molotov Churchill and Molotov at the plane.

The plane are A. Harriman, British General A. Brooke, a British diplomat Alexander Cadogan

Tymoshenko welcomes Churchill, standing next to Molotov, Churchill greeted with Soviet diplomats.

Persons Churchill and Molotov.

It should honor guard.

A Soviet officer holding hand on head coverings, the British national anthem sounded.

Dealing with the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. (1986)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:01 to collection A 7/28/2016

General view of the destroyed Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Kind of an isolated unit.

Helicopters of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Helicopter resets decontaminating substances.

ENERGY Meeting of the administrative building of nuclear power plants, the person at the meeting.

Energy to discuss the problem with the military decontamination station and adjacent territory.

Refueling the helicopter at the airport decontamination agents.


Paul Robeson in the USSR. (1959)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:13 to collection A 7/28/2016

P. Robson during a visit to one of the Soviet industrial enterprises, one of the working pin on his lapel badge.

General view of the factory floor.

Robson visits the machine rotates the mechanism.

Factory workers applauding Robson, Robson's face.

Robeson sings "Hey, Uhnem!" in Russian (synchronously), the people applauded the singer, Robson applauded in return.

Robson with a bouquet of flowers in their hands, people shake his hand, give flowers.

Competitions in athletics between the USSR and the United States. (1959)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:05:24 to collection A 7/28/2016

The spectators in the stands of the stadium in Philadelphia during the athletics match USSR-USA. Pole vaulter V. Bulatov and D. Bragg preparing for the performance.

Bulatov and Bragg take height.

Bulatov jumps and hits the bar.

Bragg overcomes height.

Bulatov wipes his face with a towel.

Bulatov takes a height at the second attempt.

Bulatov Bragg and shake hands.


Stay NS Khrushchev and NA Bulganin in Yugoslavia. (1955)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:58 to collection A 7/28/2016

Types of houses on the Adriatic coast, where the living members of the Soviet delegation during the negotiations with the Yugoslav leadership.

A general view of the pier with boats standing in it (above).

NS Khrushchev, Bulganin, NA Tito and IB climb aboard a boat for a walk on the Adriatic Sea, the commander of the boat welcomes guests Khrushchev greets him by the hand.

The Yugoslav Navy aft sailing boats.

Tito, standing at the side of the boat shows Bulganin and Khrushchev local attractions.

Panorama of the container port in Istria, Khrushchev waving in greeting.

Panorama of the coastal cities of Bula, Rovinj, Tito, Khrushchev and Bulganin on board the boat to see the sights.


12 Congress of the RCP (b). (1923)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:43 to collection A 7/28/2016

Presentation of the flag 12 Congress of the RCP (b) non-Party workers of Donbass at the Bolshoi Theatre.

Cars congress delegates at the entrance of the Grand Kremlin Palace.

Delegates are meeting at the Congress.

Cars approaching the Grand Kremlin Palace, view of the square in front of the palace.

Delegates are meeting at the Congress, among them - IV Stalin, SM Kirov, GK Ordzhonikidze, YF Fabricius

Military signalmen at Site, the palace continues to drive up cars delegates AI Rykov, LB Kamenev go to the Congress meeting.

Face Fabricius.


Academician TD Lysenko. (1948)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:01:52 to collection A 7/28/2016

Academician TD Lysenko in the auditorium during a scientific conference, the faces of people in the hall.

Lysenko accepts congratulations and gifts on the occasion of its anniversary.

Colleagues congratulate Lysenko and presented him welcome address.

Face Lysenko.

Representative congratulates students Lysenko from the rostrum.

Students Lysenko presented bouquets of flowers.

Congratulatory address in folders presented to Lysenko on the occasion of his jubilee.


The Marshall Plan in Austria. (1948)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:02 to collection A 7/28/2016

A man sits on the sidewalk among cardboard boxes and reading the newspaper.

The old man in the street of one of the Austrian cities.

Bird on a butcher's counter.

The woman moves away from the counter, without buying anything.

Bank of American canned meat in the hands of women.

Girl watching her mother prepare dinner from the American stew.

Children dine.


Soviet trade. (1975 - 1979)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:31 to collection A 7/28/2016

Street trading floor self-service grocery store, buyers choose goods.

Buyers piled in baskets canned foods.

Buyers have a refrigerator with frozen fruits and vegetables.

Packaged meat at the store, "Jack Frost".

View of the building of the deli "Novoarbatsky" in Moscow.

Showcase in the gifts department.

Chocolate confectionery in the department shelves.


Help USSR developing countries. (1958)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:48 to collection A 7/28/2016

Types of construction of Aswan dam in Egypt.

Panorama of the under construction in Egypt of an industrial enterprise.

Working oil rigs.

Panorama of the aligned using refinery USSR.

Soviet specialist checks the operation of the equipment.

Court going through the Suez Canal.

The ship "Ilya Mechnikov" that brought Egypt bread.
