Studio Centrnauchfilm (CNF)

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3278 documents,

Science and technology 1980 № 20

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:40 to collection G 12/5/2017

"In the plasma cradle" On a new technology for obtaining single crystals.

4. "On berry plantations" About new harvesters for harvesting raspberries and currants.


Science and technology 1980 № 9

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:32 to collection G 12/5/2017

3. "And if not gypsum" On a new method of fixing bones with injuries.

4. "Frame and film" On the main features inherent in the perfect flexible materials and their application in domestic technology.


Science and technology 1980 № 1

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:26 to collection G 12/5/2017

1. "Izhorskiy zavod" On the application of electro-welding equipment by the VNII staff with the assistance of the Izhora plant a plasma torch for processing ultra-strong 3. "The dam is building water" On the work of flexible timber-alloy platinum.

4. "Light above the ground" On the design of lighting fixtures and lighting the subway.


Science and technology 1978 № 7

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:49 to collection G 12/5/2017

development of silkworms-males.

4. "The first voyage" On the use of the basin for research on the theory and practice of shipbuilding at the Leningrad Institute of Water Transport.


Science and technology 1976 № 7

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:06 to collection G 12/5/2017

1. "Problems of the century." watch factory "On the use of polymers in the production of desktop clocks at the Yerevan watch factory.

4. "What the Fish Talk About" About the recording of fish voices and the use of a hydroacoustic buoy in industrial fishing.


Science and technology 1976 № 16

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:52 to collection G 12/5/2017

movement of the AUCCTU in the field of introducing technical means in the learning process.

4. "I am a weather machine" The plot gives information about automatic equipment weather station, developed by the Institute of Hydrometeorological Instrumentation and installed on the island of Moneron.


Science and technology 1976 № 15

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:57 to collection G 12/5/2017

3. "Missing link" About the automatic line for assembling cardan bearings at the State Bearing Plant.

4. "For difficult roads" On the production and storage of food products intended for long journeys.

Science and technology 1976 № 13

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:08 to collection G 12/5/2017

1. "Large-sized centrifugal casting" About the work of TsNIITMASH institutes, the problems of casting of the Ukrainian SSR and the Izhevsk plant of heavy paper-making machines for the development station to cover the energy "peaks".

4. "Verbal portrait" About a new instrument - a composer, using pictures instead of a picture to recreate a portrait of a criminal.


Science and technology 1985 № 6

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:29 to collection G 12/5/2017

3. "The heart will live" About the apparatus "Bioscard", which allows to save the donor heart before transplantation.

4. "When the grapes ripen" On the new grape harvesting combine.


Science and technology 1984 № 16

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:34 to collection G 12/5/2017

3. "Taming the resonance" On the use of the phenomenon of resonance when creating new types of robots.

4. "Secrets open sports" On the scientific direction - anthropomorphism in the study of the reserve capabilities of a healthy person.


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