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3278 documents,

Science and technology 1984 № 17

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:45 to collection G 12/5/2017

3. "New pressure chamber" On the creation of a unique hyperbaric chamber for oncological practice.

4. "Science in the service of restoration" On the physical and chemical research of works of art.


Science and technology 1977 № 11

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:51 to collection G 12/5/2017

welding "On a special instrument, created in TsNIITMASH, which improves the quality of welded joints and improves the working conditions of welders.

4. "The driver pressed the brakes" On the interference in the operation of the brakes of cars, which lead to accidents.

Science and technology 1964 № 5

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:32 to collection G 12/4/2017

"Without spinning or weaving."

Production of non-woven products (clothing).

"Ribbed pipes".

Production of finned pipes that provide a large heat transfer area.

"Where there is no pier...".

Self-unloading barge that does not require a special pier for unloading operations.

Science and technology 1964 № 7

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:52 to collection G 12/4/2017

"For great chemistry".

The use of a new method of transporting large pipes and columns over long distances during the construction of a new chemical plant.

"New semi-automatic machine".

A new semi-automatic method for making files.

"Wonderful fiber."

Creation by scientists of the Leningrad Textile Institute of Bactericidal Fiber.

"The electric spark works".

The principle of operation of the machine with electric spark and its application areas.

Science and technology 1983 № 15

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:31 to collection G 12/4/2017

without surgery "On the technique of a new direction of medicine-intravascular surgery.

4. "Happy sailing" About a vessel of the type "river-sea" Slavutich ".


Science and technology 1964 № 9

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:10 to collection G 12/4/2017


Organization of an automatic weighing system, transportation, speed measurement, and braking system at a railway junction station for freight trains.

"The New Palace of the Book".

Lithuanian USSR, Vilnius.

The work of the State Library.

"Laboratory - production".

Production of zinc by the old, manual, method and using a new semi-automatic machine.

"Medicine and ... records".

Measurement of the work of the body of athletes during training by doctors using various medical devices.

Science and technology 1983 № 14

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:40 to collection G 12/4/2017

"Now - Ally" On the unique hydraulic press for high-speed pressing of profiles from strong aluminum alloys.

4. "Music of the Stone Age" On the restoration of ancient musical instruments.


Science and technology 1964 № 10

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:14 to collection G 12/4/2017

"Keep up with the times."

Development and implementation of a system for the supply of necessary devices to the workshops at the Leningrad Metal Plant named after the XX-th Party Congress.

"When rivers are frozen."

The work of the auger for snow removal and digging ditches in the ice around the ships in winter.

"Physics and Metal".

Stepanov's installation is an invention that makes it possible to produce metal products of any size.

"This is also important."


The plot is devoted to the work of the service sector: vending machines for bread and dairy products.

The models of future shopping centers, where all the necessary products will be sold under one roof, are also shown.

Science and technology 1964 № 11

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:19 to collection G 12/4/2017

"Salt of fertility".

Production of chemical fertilizers at the Nitrogen-tuk plant in Grodno.

Construction of the plant.

"The river in the laboratory".

Moscow, Gidroproekt Institute.

Creation of a pilot model of a hydroelectric power station on the banks of the Nile in the laboratory of the Institute.

"Duplicated fabrics".

Kalinin, Kalinin plant of artificial leather.

Production of duplicated fabrics in the old way and experimental use of the newly invented semi-automatic machine for gluing foam rubber with other types of fabrics.

Science and technology 1964 № 12

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:12 to collection G 12/4/2017

"At the cradle of domestic energy".

Construction and operation of hydroelectric power plants; hydraulic peat extraction.

"Ultraviolet scalpel".

Development of a light scalpel by biologist S. S. Chakhotin for working with cells under a microscope.

"At your service."

The work of the household self-service plant, Moscow, New Cheryomushki.

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