Studio Roscosmos

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Cosmonautics. Meteorites: secret traces. (2013)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:57 to collection V4 11/22/2022

The International Expedition to Study Meteorite Catastrophes of the historical past is a joint Russian-American project led by Dallas Abbott.

It is to her that the discovery of several similar craters on the planet and the hypothesis about the influence of meteorites on the evolution of the Earth belongs.

This time, scientists intend to dot all the "I" in the origin of the two Russian reservoirs.

The research takes place on Lake Smerdyachye in the Moscow region and Lake Svetloyar in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

The plot starred Vyacheslav Gusyakov, Alexander Makkaveev, Alexey Kiselyov, Dallas Abbott, Patrick McCafferty.

Cosmonautics. Start of the Russian Amazon. (2014)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:44 to collection V4 11/22/2022

140th launch of the Soyuz spacecraft.

The crew of the Soyuz TMA-14M spacecraft (Elena Serova, Alexander Samokutyaev, Barry Wilmore) will work in orbit for 170 days.

Exactly the same number of days are left before the launch of the backup crew of the Soyuz TMA-16M spacecraft, which will embark on an annual flight.

Long-term flights are not made for the sake of records, they give scientists a lot of information, and doctors of space medicine can develop effective methods of maintaining the body in an unchanged state in the absence of gravity.

The work is being carried out with an eye to Mars.

Today, no one doubts that a person can live in weightlessness for a long time and return from there quite healthy.

In 2015, scientists plan to enrich their knowledge about weightlessness and the effect of microgravity on the human body, moreover, a whole series of annual flights is planned in order to develop as accurately as possible a methodology for future trips to the Moon, asteroids and Mars.


Cosmonautics. Hydrocosmos. (2014)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:00 to collection V4 11/22/2022

5 thousand dives in Orlan spacesuits. 70 thousand hours of work under water. 180 crews have been trained here to work in outer space.

For 35 years of successful work, the Gagarin Hydrolaboratory has never gone on vacation, but now it is on the verge of change.

They were preparing for the reconstruction of the hydrolaboratory for a long time, they calculated all the options for preparing future exits.

Recently, the pool has been working seven days a week to have time to train all astronauts for 2015-2016. According to the calculations of specialists, the hydrolaboratory will return to work a year after the reconstruction.

The plot of Natalia Burtseva starred Valery Nesmeyanov, Gennady Padalka, Alexey Altunin, Dmitry Verba, Ivan Verba, Maxim Zaitsev, Viktor Ren, head of the CPC department Sergey Kharlashkin.

Cosmonautics. Soyuz - Apollo: the icebreaker of the Cold War. (2015)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:59 to collection V4 11/22/2022

Special report on the 40th anniversary of the docking of the Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft.

With the light hand of journalists, this historic event and the space program itself were called the "Icebreaker of the Cold War".

The participants of the flight and the specialists who took part in its preparation believe that without the Soyuz-Apollo docking, there would have been neither the Mir-Shuttle program, nor the ISS, nor particularly trusting relations between Russian and American cosmonauts.

Interview: Chief Specialist of RSC Energia Viktor Blagov, Deputy Head of the RSC Energia Scientific Research Center Viktor Pavlov, cosmonaut Alexander Ivanchenkov, instructor of the main crew Vladimir Baranov.

Cosmonautics. Vostochny, the future of the cosmodrome. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:12 to collection V4 11/22/2022

The 41st academic "Royal Readings" on cosmonautics have ended at Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

One of the important topics for discussion was the prospects for the development of the ground infrastructure of rocket complexes, that is, cosmodromes, the main of which is Vostochny in the Amur region.

Interview: Igor Komarov, Rano Juraeva, Ivan Rodionov, Alexey Bogomolov, Sergey Korsakov.

Cosmonautics. Canopus - Earth Explorer. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:54 to collection V4 11/22/2022

From the Baikonur cosmodrome, the Soyuz launch vehicle launched the Canopus-V-IK spacecraft and several dozen mini-satellites into orbit. "Canopus" is the brainchild of the Moscow enterprise "VNIIEM Corporation".

From Earth's orbit, Canopus will view the planet using an infrared camera, which is why the device received the IR index.

Pavel Stolyarenko, Deputy Head of the VNIIEM Department, Pavel Sachkov and Alexey Zaporozhtsev, Deputy Chief Designers of VNIIEM, told about the satellite and how it will work.

Cosmonautics. Soyuz docking: the first station (Meeting of two Soyuzes). (2019)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:31 to collection V4 11/14/2022

The plot of the 50th anniversary of the docking of two manned spacecraft "Soyuz-4" and "Soyuz-5".

The meeting of the two spacecraft took place on January 16, 1969. For the first time in the world, a Soviet space station with a crew of four cosmonauts, Vladimir Shatalov, Boris Volynov, Alexey Eliseev and Evgeny Khrunov, began operating after docking in near-Earth orbit.

Recall and tell the participants of the flight - Boris Volynov and Vladimir Shatalov.

Cosmonautics. Space Sail. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:02 to collection V4 11/14/2022

The first ever working solar sail was created by the Dolgoprudny Design Bureau of Automation together with the Energia Corporation.

The thinnest film was wound on eight coils, which were unwound by a drum.

When rotating due to centrifugal force, the film itself was pulled out of the coils.

The diameter of the sail was 20 meters, by cosmic standards - a grain of sand, but the reflected light turned into a sunbeam several kilometers in size.

The beam ran across Europe and the western part of Russia at a speed of 8 km/s.

Developer Nadezhda Tatarnikova and senior lecturer of the Tauride National University Gennady Kozik talk about the "Banner-2" experiment.

Cosmonautics. "Millimetron" - the key of time. (2016)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:30 to collection V4 11/14/2022

To understand how time works, scientists study gravitational effects using hydrogen frequency standards.

Atomic clocks on spacecraft measure time in space and bring Earth and space time to a single denominator, synchronize.

Soon, the same device will be installed on the Spektr-M spacecraft with the Russian Millimetron space telescope.

The new space observatory will operate in the millimeter wavelength range and will see how stars and exoplanets are formed, and most importantly, will look beyond the event horizon of the black hole in the center of our galaxy.

According to a number of scientists, it is there that, due to the monstrous force of gravity, time goes twice as slowly as on Earth.

The plot starred Sergey Krikalev, Sergey Popov, Charles Bolden, Yuri Kovalev, Anatoly Belov.

Cosmonautics. "Intercosmos" in Polish. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:11 to collection V4 11/14/2022

The plot for the 40th anniversary of the second flight under the Intercosmos program.

On June 27, 1978, the Soyuz-30 spacecraft launched from Baikonur to the Salyut-6 orbital station, Soviet cosmonaut Pyotr Klimuk and the first cosmonaut of Czechoslovakia Miroslav Germashevsky went into space.

Cooperation within the framework of the Intercosmos program allowed representatives of 14 friendly countries to become cosmonauts.

The program laid the foundation for further global cooperation in cosmonautics, the main continuation of this project was the Mir orbital station, and then the ISS.

Interview: Miroslav Germashevsky, Alexander Ivanchenkov, Peter Klimuk.

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