Telecasts Peak hour

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Peak hour (1997) 05/21/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:49 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is Muslim Magomayev.

Childhood years, studying at a music school.

The beginning of a career and a forced break.

Invitation from Yuri Andropov to the Palace of Congresses for the anniversary of the KGB.

The singer is about his independent character.

Comparison of Soviet and foreign stage music: music should be different.

Parallels of the creative destinies of Muslim Magomayev and Mario Lanz.


Peak hour (1997) 08.20.1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:05 to collection V2 2/20/2018

Konchalovsky Andrey speaks about the film he shot in the USA "Odyssey.

Fragment of the film "Odyssey".

Andrei Konchalovsky talks about the filming of Tango and Cash, his brother Mikhalkov Nikita, the cost of the film "Odyssey" and the attitude of Americans to work.

Konchalovsky Andrey speaks about his film "The Chicken of the Rump", compares the work of Russian and foreign actors and plans for the future.

Konchalovsky Andrey answers questions from the audience.

Peak hour (1997) 05/20/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:19:25 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Oleg Sysuev.

Report on the meeting with the President of the Russian Federation: elaboration of the social protection program "Seven major cases".

Methods of solving the problems of socially unprotected layers of the population.

Social benefits of Russia, structure and volume.

The project to eliminate unjustified benefits for the purpose of transfer to the needy.

Establishment of links between regions and the center.

Activity of Oleg Sysuev as mayor of Samara.


Peak hour (1997) 03/20/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:19:15 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is singer and composer Jerry Lee Lewis.

The musician tells about the beginning of his career.

Memories of studying in a theological seminary.

Own musical style.

A fragment of a music video with the participation of DL Lewis.

Contact with the audience and work for the public.

The first piano in the life of a musician.


Peak hour (1997) 02.20.1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:21:36 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guests of the program are Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov.

Discussing the interference of the press in the privacy of celebrities (on the example of a note in the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets).

Rumors in various media and denials.

The basis of the family and the guarantee of happiness in marriage.

Joint creative projects.

Pitfalls of show business.

Appeal of artists to the press.

Peak hour (1997) 08/19/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:22:09 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is Mikhail Gorbachev.

6 years since the August coup in Moscow.

Talk about the coup: how it was.

Passions around power, the historical roots of riots and betrayals, life in the era of change and the consequences of perestroika for the whole country.

The rhetorical question: why do politicians refuse to learn from the mistakes of the past.

What Gorbachev himself taught August 1991, was it possible to avoid the collapse of the USSR and whether there is a future for the new Russia.

Peak hour (1997) 06/19/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:21:04 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is Alexander Gorodnitsky.

The issue is dedicated to Bulat Okudzhava.

AM Gorodnitsky remembers acquaintance and friendship with B.Sh.

Okudzhava, about his life and work.

Peak hour (1997) 05/19/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:49 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is the director Eldar Ryazanov.

The history of awarding the Order of Merit for the Fatherland III degree.

A movie that saves life: a story about a woman who was rescued by the film "The Irony of Fate, or With Easy Steam!").

EA Ryazanov on his work in verse.

New facets of creativity: social criticism and satire in films of recent years.

A highlight of Russian cinema.

Sentimentality and emotionality of the Russian people.


Peak hour (1997) 03/19/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:44 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is Lieutenant-General Valery Lukyanov.

The nature of the traffic police conflict and drivers.

Statistics of offenses, the level of accidents on the roads.

Infringements SDA and a level of responsibility.

The main causes of accidents.

Imperfection of legislation and accompanying difficulties.

The new Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the article "Responsibility for crimes committed with two forms of guilt", a discussion with comments by V. V. Lukyanov.


Peak hour (1997) 02/19/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:21:08 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is the correspondent of ORT Roman Perevezentsev.

The abduction of Roman Perevezentsev and Vyacheslav Tibelius in Chechnya.

Discussion of the situation, R. Perevesentsev's comments.

The problem of trafficking in people in the territory of Chechnya and in the adjacent regions.

R. Perevesentsev about being in captivity and about the internal situation in Chechnya.

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