Telecasts Peak hour

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Peak hour (1997) 09/16/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:53 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is Akezhan Kazhegeldin, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan.

How to become a capitalist.

Training in the higher school of the KGB.

Current economic situation in Kazakhstan.

Causes of population migration.

Economic relations with Russia.

Consequences of privatization of state property.


Peak hour (1997) 07/16/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:23:48 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is journalist Igor Golembiovsky.

The recent history of the newspaper "Izvestia": the displacement of INGolembiovsky from the post of editor-in-chief.

The Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, Lukoil and Oneximbank, loyalty to principles and new owners, freedom and money (history of the conflict).

The price of freedom in journalism.

The change of generations and the accompanying pluses.

Editorial policy in Russia and abroad.

The project to create a new newspaper.

Peak hour (1997) 01/16/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:21:33 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is Yakov Levin, MD.

Talk about dreams that people see.

Sleep as an integral part of a person's life.

Mechanisms of sleep and their relationship to brain activity.

Syndrome of apnea (stopping breathing in a dream).

The relationship between sleep and death.

What happens to the body, deprived of sleep.


Peak hour (1997) 09/15/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:17 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The editor-in-chief of the magazine Stolitsa, Sergey Mostovshchikov, speaks about the role of life experience in the profession of a journalist, about the topics covered in the journal, about the work of the chief The editor, the materials published in the magazine "Stolitsa", the flash mobs conducted by the editorial office of the magazine in Moscow, the contemporary Muscovites, the style of journal publications.

Peak hour (1997) 07/15/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:54 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is Nikolai Getman, the chief of the GUVD for transport of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Talk about the first years of service.

Statistics of acts of terrorism on a railway transportation.

Security measures at airports and railway stations.

Patrolling of suburban trains and protection of long-distance trains.

Drug withdrawal at the entrances to Russia.

Classic schemes of fraud in train stations and in trains.

Peak hour (1997) 05/15/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:52 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is Vyacheslav Kebich.

Discussion of Sergei Shakhray's statement about toughening the position of Belarus in negotiations on the final wording of the charter of the future Union of Belarus and Russia.

The problems of combining the two monetary systems and creating a single ruble space, as well as the project of economic rapprochement, political and interethnic issues are considered.

At the end of the program, VF Kebich answers questions from spectators.

Peak hour (1997) 04/15/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:21:20 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Valery Serov.

Discussion of the draft treaty between Russia and Belarus (the history of document development, verification of constitutionality and ultimate goals).

Peak hour (1997) 08/14/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:33 to collection V2 2/20/2018

10 years since the last appearance on stage of the theater and cinema actor Andrei Mironov.

The guest of the program is actress Maria Mironova.

Memories of the father and choice of profession.

Relations with the grandmother Maria Mironova.

Work with Mark Zakharov in the Lenkom Theater.

Participation in the play "The Marriage of Figaro".

Mutual relations with colleagues.


Peak hour (1997) 07.14.1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:23:55 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is the leader of the Yabloko faction Grigory Yavlinsky.

The conversation is devoted to the banking sector and the imbalance among financial and industrial groups.

Investment expansion of Onexim Bank.

Missing millions: the case of the Central Bank of Russia and GUP MAPO "MIG".

GA Yavlinsky explains the subtleties of political funding.

Peak hour (1997) 14.05.1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:57 to collection V2 2/20/2018

The guest of the program is the organizer of the tour Marina Kovaleva.

Talk about the success of the Sovremennik Theater in the United States.

A fragment of the program "Silver Ball" about the tours of "Contemporary".

Problems of tour organization, conflicts with American trade unions.

MF Kovaleva about the failed career of the actress.

Moving to the USA.

Americans' attitude to money and financial success.


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