Telecasts Sight

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Sight (1998) 21.12.1998

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:40:10 to collection V2 2/28/2017

The announcement of the charity concert in memory of those killed in Chechnya.

Excerpts of previous editions of the program on the life of the farm "Dawn" Dmitrov District: Dutch potato harvest, cleaning and theft.

Director of LLP "Dawn" Sergei Antserev gives people jobs and housing.

Fragments of interviews with displaced families on ways that led them to the farm.

Welder Family Andrew Syrova fled from the Urals to death.

Livestock Tsovak Hakobyan from Armenia left a good home for work in the specialty.


Sight (1999) 29.03.1999

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:39:58 to collection V2 2/28/2017

Visiting program of the people of Yugoslavia, which war caught in Moscow.

Get news via the Internet.

Filming on the eve of the ether: people talk with friends and family on the phone.

Current roundup.

Teleconference with Belgrade: Tamara leading Zamyatin about the situation in the city.

The main events of the last days: overload emergency, cancellation of school and student activities, a concert in downtown Belgrade, the expectation of the bombing of bridges across the Sava and the Danube.

Discussion of a humanitarian disaster and its further spread.


Sight (1999) 22.03.1999

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:39:55 to collection V2 2/28/2017

Sergei Bodrov teenager reading a letter: sister had gone to visit relatives and not returned three years.

Clip about youth.

Working Papers of the feature film "The Barber of Siberia" (1998, directed by Nikita Mikhalkov).

Interviews with actors playing the roles of the junkers, about the impact of the shooting on the future life: changes in self-perception and world view.

Fragment of an interview with Nikita Mikhalkov on the set.


Sight (1999) 24.05.1999

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:39:59 to collection V2 2/28/2017

Fragment of the program "The View" on May 17, 1999, Eldar Ryazanov explains how homeless Valentin Kovyahov got to shooting the film "old horse".

Leah Akhedzhakova and Irina Kupchenko about trying to help the child.

Filming May 23, 1999 in the Dmitrov district: Valentin comes to dog handlers regiment.

Boy suit in the barracks and introduced to the nursery.

Visiting program chief director of the Taganka Theater Yuri Lyubimov.

35th anniversary of the first performance of "The Good Person of Szechwan".


Sight (1999) 16.08.1999

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:39:25 to collection V2 2/28/2017

Leading represent documentary Irina Obukhov, Alexey and Konstantin Kosulnikova Kryakova "Russian in Paraguay."

In 1926 he moved to Paraguay 75 Russian.

They fought, they built ships, roads, treated people, raised bread and cassava, the Indians taught to read and write, put on the stage "The Nutcracker" and "Swan Lake".

They erected monuments, their names were called streets and avenues.

They gradually forget their native language, but always mindful of the fact that they - Russian.

Today Russian in Paraguay 15 thousand.


Sight (1996) 20.12.1996

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:45:54 to collection V2 2/28/2017

Sergei Bodrov reads a letter from the Chechen Republic with a proposal to exchange ordinary Paul Kutytskogo a relative who is a prisoner in Russia.

Video footage: the arrival of Paul Kutytskogo mother in Chechnya in the village Makhkety.

Kutytskogo Mother talks to captive Chechen citizen parents.

The plot of the USSR People's Deputy Alexander Obolensky.

Video chronicles 1989: Obolensky of the floor May 25, 1989 at the session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Obolensky gives an interview about his parliamentary activities during the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR.


Sight (2000) 21.02.2000

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:38:11 to collection V2 2/28/2017

Guest program Hero of Russia Colonel Valentin Polyansky talks about fighting the Russian army battalion in Dagestan against the superior forces of Basayev's orders.

Polanski talks about his service in "hot spots" and the loss of its parts.

Videoreferences wounded soldiers in Chechnya from the hospital to their colleagues with gratitude and congratulations on 23 February.

Military priest Father Michael talks about the new Orthodox church for the soldiers.

Video chronicles of 1999: Michael's father talks to the soldiers of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Kosovo, carries the icon down the line.


Sight (1999) 12.04.1999

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:43:23 to collection V2 2/27/2017

Lawyer Xenia Alferov says about the conflict in Serbia.

Father Dionysius tells of a meeting with Russian pilots being in an Indian jail.

Karina Moskalenko - lawyer pilots who are in Indian jails says about the state of affairs.

The plot of the plant director Sergei Buhdrukere Chelyabinsk to listen to the views of disgruntled employees.

Work and director talk about your business.


Sight (1999) 19.04.1999

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:51:41 to collection V2 2/27/2017

Report from g.

Hasavyurt about Eugenia Zykina fled from the Chechen slavery.

Dzhavtaev Umar said about the work of the fund, "Salvation."

Ohlobystin Ivan talks about the rehabilitation of people participating in the hostilities, the upcoming visit of the Patriarch of All Russia Alexy II in Yugoslavia, his trip to Serbia.

Chronicle of the Easter procession in Serbia, which was attended by Ivan Ohlobystin and the situation in Serbia and Albania.


Sight (1998) 08/07/1998

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:42:41 to collection V2 2/25/2017

Alexander Lyubimov and Sergei Bodrov lead program from GUM TV program dedicated to "Looking For You".

Participants say the people that they were looking for with the help of television.

The plot of the orphanage and the boy Petikop Denis, who met his father.

Children from the orphanage to talk about their dreams, get into a new family.


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