Telecasts Sight

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179 documents,

Sight (1996) 19.04.1996

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:43:09 to collection V2 2/28/2017

Chronicle of detention in Dagestan KAMAZ bound for Chechnya with weapons.

FSB colonel Alexander says Tihonenko delayed KAMAZ with guns and similar cases.

Chronicle of the assassination of Aslan Maskhadov in Chechnya.

Opening in the Sofrino monument to those killed in Chechnya.

Chronicle archive Sofrinsky SWAT team.


Sight (1998) 07.12.1998

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:45:01 to collection V2 2/28/2017

Alexander Lyubimov says the establishment of the Fund of Vladimir Vysotsky Award "Its track".

Filming in Yakutia in May 1998: MOE work during the flood.

Weekdays cadets 144th brigade MOE.

Cadet Alexander Komarov - the son of the regiment.

The brigade commander told how the boy came into their ranks.

School teachers and classmates about the character of Sasha.


Sight (1998) 14.12.1998

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:37:40 to collection V2 2/28/2017

Alexander Lyubimov, with news about the letters of people who applied for help to the farm "Dawn": employed 30 people, the rest of the letters submitted to the Ministry of Labour.

Nizhny Novgorod bicycle factory joined to participate in "Operation Happy New Year!"

Preview the show on the channel ORT charity concert in memory of those killed in Chechnya.

Excerpt "Sight" program in 1988: December 8 at Moscow State University named V.M.Lomonosova students donate blood for the victims of the earthquake in Spitak.

Meeting of volunteer rescuers from MEI 10 years later.

Memories of removing people from the rubble.


Sight (1999) 01/11/1999

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:46:28 to collection V2 2/28/2017

News by personal investigation of the program "The View": the missing Russian pilots found in Uganda.

Fragments of the feature film "Prisoner of the Caucasus" (1996, directed by S.V.Bodrov).

Visiting the "View" leading actor Oleg Menshikov.

O.E.Menshikov about his attitude to television and interviews.

Working in the theater: the search for playwrights and plays.

Is it easy to carry on the stories from the life of the paper.


Sight (1999) 01/18/1999

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:42:55 to collection V2 2/28/2017

Visiting program chairman of the kolkhoz 1st May Oleg Fomin.

Filming in Sarajevo district Ryazan region: self-defense squad acquires weapons and armored personnel carriers to protect the collective farm from thieves and bandits.

Excerpts from an interview with farmers about their past and present lives.

Help and mutual assistance as the basis for a successful co-existence of people of different nationalities.

(Open records).

O.Fomin more comments on the purchase of armored personnel carriers.

The current situation with the settlers, discussion of bureaucratic problems.


Sight (1995) 08.12.1995

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:34:58 to collection V2 2/28/2017

Alexander Lyubimov, with news about the health of General Romanov.

Filming December 5, 1995 in the name of Burdenko TSKVG: A.A.Romanov in the department of anesthesiology and intensive care.

Filming October 6, 1995 in Grozny: the place of the assassination attempt in 40 minutes after the explosion.

Visiting program Yuri Shevchuk.

Musician talks about the trip to Chechnya.


Sight (1996) 19.07.1996

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:43:50 to collection V2 2/28/2017

September 1995: Chronicle sweeps in Moscow markets with OMON fighters.

July 1996: living in Moscow Chechens remember about harassment because of their nationality.

Alexander Lyubimov criticizes the actions of politicians and the military.

Fragment of the program "The View" on June 14, 1996: The general opinion A.I.Lebedya of explosions.

Discussion of the problem of terrorism.

Visiting program Fedor Kulikov, father Alla Dudayev.

Interview stay Alla Dudayev in Moscow.


Sight (1996) 26.07.1996

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:43:23 to collection V2 2/28/2017

Announcement of the program dedicated to the concert of "CHajf" for the soldiers of the Tajik-Afghan border.

"New Russian" in Yekaterinburg.

Working brickworks live in poverty.

Stimulated theft (interview about the looting unhook the composition of the train with rice).

Plant manager Michael Prussian suing his ex-wife on the issue of the division of property.

People think where to go to work, if the plant is still divide.


Sight (1996) 04.10.1996

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:39:41 to collection V2 2/28/2017

In Novorossiysk officers of the 7th Airborne Division were settled in an apartment of an unfinished residential building.

Life under siege, without water, gas, sewerage and heating.

In an interview with an explanation of the situation involving the Majors Mikhail Titov, Andrei Glazkov, Nail Karimov, senior warrant officer Anatoly Volodya with his wife, Captain Valery Yegorov, Major-General Igor SOLONIN.

Comments Anatoly Solomatin Alexander Cherkasov and explaining the housing situation in the army as a whole.

Discussion of military personnel dissatisfaction with their situation and conditions of service.

Interview with the squadron commander Igor Malikov: Karelia soldiers 159-th Guards Aviation Regiment are not paid a salary.


Sight (2000) 07.02.2000

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:35:16 to collection V2 2/28/2017

Alexander Lyubimov, letters of relatives of the missing soldiers in Chechnya.

Fragment of the program "The View" on May 16, 1997: The letter with a photo.

The shooting in the village Zandak in April 1996: meeting with parents of soldiers liberated.

Interior Minister Kazbek Ichkeria Makhashev transmits captured crew of "The View."

Excerpt special issue of the "look" of 13 June 1997: report of the abduction of reporter Ilyas and operator Vladislav Bogatyrev Chernyaeva.

The release of the crew and other prisoners of war.


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