Telecasts Sight

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Sight (1999) 30.08.1999

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:39:40 to collection V2 2/20/2017

The program is dedicated to the documentary film by Sergei and Vladimir Karandashova Sensitively "The other side of the earth."

The issue presented working materials of the film, which tells about a trip to Tibet, the authors, the familiarity with the basic traditions of Buddhism and the rules of life of the Tibetan monks, and that pushes people to travel in search of himself.

Guides directors became very different people, each of which tells a story about the search for peace of mind and peace, the desire to embark on the path of enlightenment and gain a different perspective on life.

The film includes director's commentary, as well as fragments of the interview with their tutor Alexei German.

Sight (1999) 22.11.1999

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:34:24 to collection V2 2/20/2017

Fragment of the program "The View" on January 18, 1999, interview with employees of collective farm named after the 1st of May, including former refugees about life in the Ryazan region.

Kolkhoz chairman Oleg Fomin sent to Ingushetia for new refugees.

Guests of the program, Oleg Fomin Alexey Kosulnikov and Alexei Petrenko discussing the idea O.Fomina and related difficulties.

Impressions farm chairman of the general state of agriculture in the country.

Filming in Ingushetia: the arrival of farmers in the military unit, which helped O.Fominu in the summer agricultural work.

Sending soldiers products.

A.Kosulnikov O.Fomin and talk about the attitude of the troops to the migration of refugees.


Sight (1999) 29.11.1999

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:35:02 to collection V2 2/20/2017

Alexander Lyubimov, talking with the director Sergei Solovyov and his son Dmitry on the filming of "Tender Age" (2000).

Audition for the film.

From "Assa" to "tender age", the hidden meaning of the changes in life.

Filming in Podolsk in November 1999: Lubov Rodionova, mother of a dead soldier collecting humanitarian aid for the soldiers in Chechnya.

A woman talks about the search for his son.

Filming in October 1996: The search for the remains of homecoming.


Sight (1995) 24.02.1995

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:39:56 to collection V2 2/20/2017

Fireworks on February 23 in Moscow.

Central Naval Hospital in the village Kupavna takes wounded in Chechnya.

Soldiers Denis Yablokov Igor Tanks and talk about injuries.

Colonels Medical Service, Anatoly Pasechnik and Eugene Umer about the status of the patients.

Colonel Boris Bobrovnikov medical service of high responsibility in connection with the military situation.

Announcement of the assignment of military ranks.


Sight (1995) 07.04.1995

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:41:03 to collection V2 2/20/2017

Alexander Lyubimov, with news of political disputes around the Crimea.

Reporting from Crimea, shooting March 17: interviews with local residents on living standards.

The controversial position of the Black Sea Fleet under the circumstances.

Visiting program of Nikita Mikhalkov.

The picture "Burnt by the Sun" (1994) won an Oscar as best foreign film of the year.

The director talks about the film.


Sight (1995) 20.09.1995

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:57:53 to collection V2 2/20/2017

Report from Zagreb and Sarajevo:

Cyril Belianinov of the UN agreement and NATO.

Correspondent of ITAR-TASS Andrey Naryshkin of NATO operations in Bosnia.

Chief of Staff Andrew Demurenko sector on the deployment of Russian troops.

Chronicle military provocations.

Colonel Andrei Gorshkov, the attitude to the Russian forces in the past three years.


Sight (1996) 26.04.1996

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:32:20 to collection V2 2/20/2017

"Sight" program is a documentary dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident.

With the help of residents of "The View" and the exclusion of employees Chernobyl zone program restores individual chronicle the events of April 1986 and met with the life people who could not or did not want to leave their towns and villages, or returned to, and continue to live there, where not so long ago it seemed impossible.

Is there life in the zone of increased radiation and what is life?

Despite the fact that the death rate exceeds the birth rate, people remain or return again in the exclusion zone.

Gradually the village come to life.

Authorities are looking to settle a blind eye, because these people do not require compensation and benefits, live in peace and provide themselves.

Director Chernobyl Sergei Parashin confident that the 10th anniversary of the accident - a good reason to finally say goodbye to the past and start life anew.


Sight (1997) 28.03.1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:45:42 to collection V2 2/20/2017

Visiting Alexander Lyubimov, the last prime minister of the USSR Valentin Pavlov.

Sergei Bodrov with news about Paul Kutytskom held captive in Chechnya.

Videopismo from Penza ITK: director Nikolai Fomin interviews the prisoner, which require in exchange for Paul.

Conversation with V.S.Pavlovym of the ruling structures.

The lack of people able to accept non-standard solutions.


Sight (1997) 25.07.1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:42:48 to collection V2 2/20/2017

Videopismo Sergei Bodrov of Mogilev region: the story of the children's vacation in the countryside Radcha.

Return to the village 15 years later.

Conversations with local residents about the changes over the years.

(Open records).

Promotion furniture showroom in St.

Petersburg: the life of couples in a shop window.


Sight (1997) 05.12.1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:50:04 to collection V2 2/20/2017

News of the explosion in the mine Ziryanovsk December 2, 1997.

Miner sends details of the accident Alexei Kosulnikova phone.

The funeral of the dead miners.

Videopismo from Ryazan: 300 parachutists, coupling in free fall, a new Guinness record.

What will happen with the army sport in the future?

Contacting members of the Central Sports and Parachute Club (SCPC): Alexander Beloglazov Sergei Shkuropat and Zinaida Kuritsyna talk about the government's decision to privatize and sell the club building.


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