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Учения по гражданской обороне в США. (1957 - 1961)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:19 to collection G 1/9/2023

Вид части старого кладбища в Нью-Йорке.

Опустевшая площадь в Нью-Йорке во время проведения учений по гражданской обороне.

Брошюра с руководством о действиях в случае ядерного удара, фотоиллюстрации на страницах брошюры.

Дежурный по гражданской обороне принимает сигнал.

Фотоиллюстрации на страницах брошюры по гражданской обороне.

Светящаяся электронная схема управления атомной электростанцией.

Демонстрационная установка для имитации обогащения урана.


Применение компьютеров в научных исследованиях. (1985 - 1987)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:01 to collection G 1/9/2023

Ученый в лаборатории за компьютером, экран компьютера (наезд).

Внутренний вид лаборатории, оснащенной компьютерами, во время проведения научных исследований (панорама).

Панель управления одного из приборов.

Компьютер, подключенный к лабораторному оборудованию, распечатка данных очередного исследования, данные на экране монитора, работающий принтер.

Ученый рассматривает строение клетки на экране монитора, увеличивает изображение.

Система соединенных между собой сосудов с реактивами, сотрудница лаборатории смотрит в окуляры микроскопа (панорама).

Лабораторное оборудование и колба, подсоединенные к компьютеру, данные исследований на экране монитора.


Эксперименты с лазером и применение его в промышленности. (1986 - 1988)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:06:08 to collection G 1/9/2023

Контрольно-измерительная аппаратура и вид станка с лазерной установкой (панорама).

Процесс обработки детали при помощи лазера.

Виды координатно-пробивного лазерного пресса "Trumatic-180".

Автоматизированный процесс работы лазерного координатно-пробивного пресса.

Различные функции, выполняемые лазерным координатно-пробивным прессом, работа узлов пресса.

Воздействие лазерной вспышки на обрабатываемую деталь.

Ученый в лаборатории проводит эксперименты с лазерным лучом, ход эксперимента.


Советская бытовая техника. (1983 - 1984)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:23 to collection G 1/9/2023

Пылесос "Урал", стиральные машины "Эврика", "Рига-17", обогреватели и пылесосы различных марок в выставочном павильоне.

Стиральные машины "Эврика", "Малютка" и "Рига-17" в павильоне выставки.

Образцы модной молодежной одежды в витрине выставочного павильона.

Cosmonautics. MAX Orbits. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:12 to collection V4 12/29/2022

Space technology, unique products and innovative materials, full-size models of lunar stations, scale models of liquid rocket engines, an electronic component base for space equipment, Russia's first virtual factory for the space industry and an interactive stand of the Federation spacecraft - all this and much more could be seen at the 13th International Aviation and Space Salon in Zhukovsky.

Leading aviation and space companies have demonstrated a lot of advanced developments.

The plot of Natalia Burtseva starred Sergey Lemeshevsky, Igor Arbuzov, head of the microelectronics department of JSC "RKS" Georgy Krylov, Igor Komarov, Mark Serov, Alla Vuchkovich, Rano Juraeva.

Cosmonautics. To Mars! For youth. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:40 to collection V4 12/29/2022

After a year-long experiment with the participation of American astronauts, the Kelly twin brothers, one of whom spent a year on the ISS, and the other was observed here on Earth all this time, scientists came to the conclusion that in long-term space expeditions, the human body can get younger.

A person has been flying into orbit for more than half a century, however, scientists do not know everything about how space affects the body, and this is very important for flights to Mars and other planets.

In addition to the advantages of rejuvenation, there are many disadvantages in long-term expeditions: astronauts lose their eyesight in orbit, experience calcium deficiency and muscle atrophy.

But the main question is rather psychological, because astronauts miss not only their loved ones, but also their home planet as a whole.

However, all these issues can be solved.

The problem of cosmic radiation is still the most difficult.

Interview: Mikhail Kornienko, Valery Polyakov, Fedor Yurchikhin, psychologist of the Mars-500 project Olga Shevchenko, Vyacheslav Shurshakov.

Cosmonautics. CPC and MSU: the space future. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:25 to collection V4 12/29/2022

Rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy visited the Gagarin CPC.

MSU and CPC are united by a large scientific work.

In the near future, an international experiment "Vector-MBI-1" will be conducted on board the ISS with the participation of MSU scientists, and in the new academic year, the university students will receive a new faculty of space research.

The plot starred the rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy, the head of the Laboratory of Sensory Neurophysiology of the University of Puebla (Mexico) Enrique Soto, cosmonauts Yuri Lonchakov and Sergey Ryazansky.

Cosmonautics. Moon and dunno. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:11:29 to collection V4 12/29/2022

60 years ago, the writer Nikolai Nosov, recognized by UNESCO, became the most famous and translated science fiction storyteller, and his work "Dunno on the Moon" in many ways became prophetic.

Famous writers, literary critics, scientists and the grandson of the writer Igor Nosov reflect on space as a reflection of time.

In the preparation of the plot, the frames of the films "Aelita" (1924, directed by Protazanov Ya.A.), "Planet of Storms" (1961, directed by Klushantsev P.V.), "Space Odyssey" (2001, directed by Kubrick S.), "Fahrenheit 451" (1966, directed by Truffaut F.R.), "Man-amphibia" (1961, directors Kazansky G.S., Chebotarev V.A.), from the animated series "Dunno on the Moon" (1997, directors Lyutkevich A.E., Butyrin Yu.A., Ignatenko A.B.).

Interview: Maxim Osmolovsky, Andrey Shcherbak-Zhukov, Igor Nosov, Vladimir Surdin, Fedor Yurchikhin, Yuri Polyakov.

Cosmonautics. Interesting facts about space. Lexel 's Comet. (2016)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:29 to collection V4 12/29/2022

The closest comet that has ever approached the Earth is Lexel's comet.

In 1770, it passed at a distance of 2 million km from the surface of our planet.

The comet was discovered by Charles Messier, however, it was named after the Russian astronomer Andrei Ivanovich Veksel, who accurately determined its orbit.

After that, the comet was no longer seen, it is considered lost.

Cosmonautics. Science: a Time of discovery. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:56 to collection V4 12/29/2022

Russia celebrated Science Day.

According to statistics, today 8 out of 10 scientific discoveries are related to astronomy and cosmonautics.

In 2016, the Russian Proton rocket launched an automatic Mars exploration station into orbit.

In 2020, the second Russian-European ExoMars expedition with a unique drilling rig on board will go to Mars.

Alexander Trokhimovsky, Oleg Korablev, head of the ESA representative office in Russia Rene Pichel, academicians Rashid Sunyaev and Lev Zeleny talk about the prospects for the development of the Red Planet and the further development of space science in general.