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Cosmonautics. Borey - heading to the ISS. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:52 to collection V4 12/29/2022

The crew of the Soyuz MS-05 manned spacecraft with the call sign "Borey" is preparing for flight.

At Baikonur, everything is ready for launch, the astronauts planted trees on their alley, picked up a whole "crew" of weightlessness indicators and told about what memorabilia they would take with them to the ISS.

Interview: Paolo Nespoli, Sergey Ryazansky, Randolph Breznik, Cyril Fournier, participant of the Mars-500 project.

Голод в странах Азии и Африки. (1946 - 1960)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:25 to collection G 12/28/2022

Индийские крестьяне молотят зерно вручную, выбивая его из снопов.

Обработка земли в Египте примитивными орудиями с помощью верблюдов.

Молотьба круговым способом.

Провеивание зерна вручную египетскими крестьянами.

Вид моста через реку.

Молотьба круговым способом в одной из стран Азии.

Вспашка земли на быках при помощи примитивного деревянного плуга.


Кинохроника послевоенной Германии. (1945 - 1949)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:51 to collection G 12/28/2022

Британские женщины-военнослужащие на трибуне под портретами И.В. Сталина, Трумэна Г. и Черчилля У.

Советский военный регулировщик на въезде в Потсдам в июле 1945 года.

Сталин И.В., Трумэн Г. и британский премьер-министр Эттли К. перед началом очередного заседания конференции, Сталин отодвигает кресло, мешающее фоторепортерам.

Участники одного из заседаний конференции за круглым столом (сверху).

Сталин вовремя очередного заседания конференции.

Трумэн за столом во время очередного заседания.

Вышинский А.Я., Молотов В.М., Сталин И.В. и члены советской делегации за круглым столом во время очередного заседания конференции (сверху).


Cosmonautics. Nauka - the future of the ISS. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:09 to collection V4 12/27/2022

A new module of the ISS "Nauka" is planned to be sent into orbit, this will be the fifth module in the Russian segment of the station.

The life of the crew in orbit will become more comfortable.

The ISS is an important international project involving 15 countries.

Sergey Krikalev, Oleg Kotov, Roman Romanenko and Tom Peske talk about the design and equipment of the Nauka module, its importance in the operation of the station and the future prospects of joint work.

Cosmonautics. "Killer whale": a sharp eye. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:43 to collection V4 12/27/2022

The Kasatka-R radar complex is being tested at the Moscow Research Institute of Precision Instruments.

It got its name in honor of the swift-winged and sharp-sighted village swallow, able to see from a height the smallest details on the surface of the earth.

This is how the space radar, which will be installed on the new remote sensing satellite "Obzor-R" of the Samara RCC "Progress", will work in any weather and time of day.

The employees of the Research Institute of TP tell about their brainchild: head of the department Alexander Kovalenko, engineer of the 1st category Maxim Bulygin, researcher Maxim Miloserdov.

Cosmonautics. The main one: the way to the stars. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:18 to collection V4 12/27/2022

January 12 is the birthday of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.

The plot is dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the general designer.

Solemn events in the city of Korolev near Moscow.

Interview: Natalia Koroleva, Vladimir Solntsev, Igor Komarov, Alexey Leonov, Dmitry Rogozin.

Cosmonautics. Cosmonautics XXI. (2016)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:29 to collection V4 12/27/2022

The conference "Cosmonautics of the XXI century" has ended at the main scientific institute of Roscosmos TsNIIMash.

Scientists, designers, cosmonauts and industry experts discussed the main topics: where we are going, on what and why.

The conference addressed a variety of issues from the construction of long-term lunar bases and space nuclear power to hypersonic ships and space debris, which creates many dangers right now.

Interview: Alexander Ivanov, Boris Shustov, Yuri Kovalev, Nikolai Kardashev, Alexander Medvedev, Viktor Khartov, Alexander Bagrov.

Cosmonautics. The unique Russian telescope is 40 years old. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:16 to collection V4 12/27/2022

The Large Azimuth Telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the study of near and far space objects is celebrating its 40th anniversary.

The observatory staff Vladimir Romanenko and Valery Vlasyuk talk about the unique Soviet telescope.

Moscow. (1990 - 1999)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:37 to collection R 12/26/2022

Currency exchange, bank buildings, high-rise building, Kutuzov Avenue, the Arc de Triomphe.

Cosmonautics. "Polar bear" will save you from the cold. (2016)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:25 to collection V4 12/23/2022

November turned out to be cold on Baikonur, so the crew of the Soyuz MS-03 manned spacecraft decided to wear special heat-protective suits, which were informally called "Polar Bear" before the launch.

The suits are made at the Zvezda NPP near Moscow, where the Falcon and Orlan spacesuits, cosmonaut lodgements and much more are created.

Alexander Yemelyanov, engineer of NPP Zvezda, and Gennady Glazov, chief Specialist, told about the device of the Polar Bear and its protective properties.