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Cosmonautics. "Space Patrol" in orbit. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:26 to collection V4 12/19/2022

MSU plans to create an orbital constellation of satellites, whose main task will be to control dangerous asteroids and other threats from space.

For the first time this was talked about in the middle of the 20th century.

Over the past decades, experts have compiled a catalog of asteroids, including potentially dangerous ones for the planet, there are more than a thousand of them, and the discoveries of scientists do not end there.

Comments on: Mikhail Panasyuk, Lidiya Rykhlova, Boris Shustov, Alexey Rozanov, Vladislav Shevchenko.

Cosmonautics. Space Women. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:23 to collection V4 12/19/2022

There are few female cosmonauts in our country, however, each flight brought world records.

The first in orbit, the first in outer space, the first in a long expedition to the Mir orbital complex.

Today, women not only work in orbit on an equal basis with men, but even manage such high-tech facilities as spaceports.

Interview: Yuri Lonchakov, Elena Serova, Valentina Tereshkova, Svetlana Savitskaya, Elena Kondakova, Valery Polyakov, Rano Juraeva.

Cosmonautics. Baikonur: a step into the future. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:43 to collection V4 12/19/2022

Baikonur celebrates its birthday in June.

Initially, the object was conceived by the military, however, chief designer Sergei Korolev was able to combine the interests of the Ministry of Defense and dreams of space flights.

According to experts, in order for the world's first and largest cosmodrome to have not only a legendary past, but also a glorious future, it is necessary to develop as many joint projects as possible.

Alexey Leonov, Vladimir Yaropolov, Leonid Kadenyuk, Rano Juraeva, Sergey Krikalev, Talgat Musabayev recall the history of the cosmodrome and flights from the era of Yuri Gagarin to the present day.

Cosmonautics. Baikonur tourist. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:22 to collection V4 12/19/2022

Baikonur is the largest cosmodrome in the world.

All types of Russian missiles were launched from here.

The famous Gagarin launch is also located here, and cosmonauts are still going into orbit from this site No. 1. Now Baikonur is opening in a new capacity - the center of technological tourism.

Previously, it was impossible to get here, because the cosmodrome was a military and therefore completely closed object, even soldiers and officers who were going here for service did not know where they were going until the last moment.

The history of not only world cosmonautics, but also big politics was created here.

The first foreigner to visit Baikonur was Charles de Gaulle.

Today, a lot of people from different countries are eager to visit the cosmodrome during the launch of the spacecraft in order to see it not during the Internet broadcast, but with their own eyes.


Торжественное заседание в Ленинграде в честь 50-летия И.В. Сталина. (1929)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:43 to collection G 12/16/2022

Вид части зала Таврического дворца в Ленинграде во время торжественного заседания по случаю 50-летия И.В. Сталина, портрет Сталина между двумя колоннами.

Оратор выступает с трибуны с докладом.

Пионеры, держа в руках подарок, произносят приветствие в адрес Сталина.

Участники заседания аплодируют, виды зала заседания.

Участники заседания на балконе зала, на ограде балкона укреплен транспарант с лозунгом.

Участники заседания слушают очередного выступающего.

Оратор заканчивает свое выступление.


Радиообращение к славянам писателя А.Н. Толстого. (1941)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:09 to collection G 12/16/2022

Писатели Александр Корнейчук и Ванда Василевская в студии Радиокомитета во время Всеславянского радиомитинга 10 августа 1941 года.

Вид радиотрансляционной башни на Шаболовке (изнутри, снизу вверх).

Вид части Московского Кремля (сверху), раструб уличного громкоговорителя.

Участники Всеславянского радиомитинга в студии Радиокомитета, среди них - В. Василевская.

Писатель А.Н. Толстой перед микрофоном произносит радиообращение к славянам всего мира с призывом к сплочению и беспощадной борьбе с германским фашизмом (синхронно и за кадром), лица писателя А. Корнейчука и участников радиомитинга.

Научные эксперименты по изучению поведения животных в различных условиях. (1925 - 1980)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:05:12 to collection G 12/16/2022

Ученый проводит эксперимент с подопытной крысой, выпустив ее из клетки.

Ученый отдает крысе детеныша, крыса убегает, держа детеныша в зубах.

Лицо ученого.

Ученый проводит эксперимент с крысой и ее детенышем.

Крыса вращает колесико передними лапами.

Крыса возвращается в клетку.

Экпериментатор заставляет крысу ходит на задних лапах.


Cosmonautics. How to make a Soyuz rocket. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:06 to collection V4 12/16/2022

For more than half a century, the Soyuz launch vehicle has successfully launched spacecraft and crewed ships into orbit.

Originally developed as a weapon, the rocket became famous by launching the world's first artificial satellite into space, and since then it has continued to work only for peaceful space.

The perfection of the design makes it possible to modernize the rocket, leaving intact the general principles laid down by the designer Sergei Korolev.

To date, the Soyuz remains the most popular rocket in the launch services market and launches from four spaceports located on two continents.

Cosmonautics. The cradle of Cosmonautics. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:40 to collection V4 12/16/2022

Kaluga has solemnly celebrated the 50th anniversary of the State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics.

The world's first space museum in the homeland of Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky was created with the participation of the first cosmonaut of the Earth Yuri Gagarin and chief designer Sergei Korolev.

The museum contains several tens of thousands of unique exhibits covering the entire history of space exploration, from the origins of aeronautics, aviation, rocket and space technology and the first artificial Earth satellite to modern orbital stations.

The museum has become a kind of symbol of Kaluga, which is now called the cradle of space.

Cosmonauts Alexander Alexandrov and Alexander Lazutkin, director of the museum Natalia Abakumova, Governor of the Kaluga Region Anatoly Artamonov starred in the story.

Cosmonautics. The Law of the cosmos. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:04 to collection V4 12/16/2022

On October 10, 1967, the Treaty on the Principles of the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, entered into force; briefly, this document is called the Outer Space Treaty.

A lot has changed in 50 years, humanity has learned to fly into space and is making plans to develop the nearest satellite of the Earth, and in the future, other planets.

But how to determine who will own certain territories and the useful resources extracted on them?

According to lawyers, the Moon may become a serious international problem in the near future, and it may have to be a separate set of laws for it.

The plot starred Olga Volynskaya, Igor Mitrofanov, Sergey Zhukov.