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Footage, 10 footages, Duration: 5:01:23 to collection V 12/12/2023

View of the runway from the cockpit of the IL-76MD during landing.

The pilot opens the door of the aircraft, lowers the metal ladder.

Information for the military and passengers sounds in the cabin of the aircraft.

Servicemen descend the ramp to the airfield.

Two soldiers carry a box with the inscription "military".

Soldiers unload the plane.

IL-76MD at the airfield.



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Footage, 13 footages, Duration: 4:21:04 to collection V 12/12/2023

Officer Yuri Alexandrovich talks about the task of the Airborne training unit to make real paratroopers and spiritually strong fighters out of conscripts.

At the training ground, cadets with parachute packs communicate with Priest Pyotr Lysenko.

The faces of soldiers in helmets.

The face of Lysenko P.

The cadet's hands hold the straps of the backpack.

Chevron "Russia, armed Forces".

In the gym, the paratrooper talks about getting to know Pyotr Lysenko and karate training.


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Footage, 10 footages, Duration: 3:38:57 to collection V 12/12/2023

The lieutenant-guide in the museum talks about the people who were in the Vladimir Central prison.

Photos of the clergy and the destroyed church.

"The decree on the Red Terror."

The sign "Foreign bodies surgically removed during self-mutilation", metal objects of different shapes on the stand.

Drawing "Stomach with a foreign body".

Paintings, figurines and crafts made by prisoners.

A psychologist communicates with prisoners in a group work room.



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Footage, 10 footages, Duration: 3:31:54 to collection V 12/12/2023

Chursin Vladimir Alekseevich talks about working in his studio for 35 years, about the increased rent for the premises, is surprised by the indifference of the city authorities to the fate of veteran artists, talks about utility bills for the premises, is outraged by the disparaging attitude of municipal authorities to architectural objects of historical heritage in Yekaterinburg.

Chursin V.A. shows his paintings, mixes paints on a palette, paints on canvas.

General view of the workshop.

Chursin V.A. at work.

Hands wipe the brush with a rag.

Stacks of paintings on the shelves.

Posters of personal exhibitions of the artist Chursin V.A.



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Footage, 11 footages, Duration: 5:24:08 to collection V 12/12/2023

Assembly point.

Conscripts stand in line to receive ammunition and military uniforms.

The soldier fastens his tunic.

The conscript Yerofey says that he voluntarily wrote an application and joined the army, passed professional selection in the presidential regiment, and is going to continue his studies after the army.

The young man carries the received form, puts it on the table, gets dressed.

Conscripts check the completeness of clothing, get dressed.

The soldier puts on boots with footcloths.



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Footage, 10 footages, Duration: 2:00:27 to collection V 12/12/2023

The chief of staff of the 2nd self-propelled Division, Major Dmitry Sergeevich Samkov, talks about the number of 2C4 "Tulip" self-propelled mortars and a complex of 1V12M control vehicles, participation in tactical exercises with live firing twice a year, interaction between commanders and subordinates, mandatory control of personnel training.

The commander of the 2nd self-propelled division, Lieutenant Colonel Troshin Igor Viktorovich, talks about the tasks set during the exercises, combat training programs, working out the scenarios "battery on the defensive" and "battery on the offensive", the technical characteristics of the 2C4 "Tulip" mortar and the accuracy of hits on target.

Servicemen eat in the field canteen.

The cook pours soup into a plate.

Private ignites a field furnace.

The captain is wearing a helmet on the armor of the installation.

A division of 2C4 "Tulip" mortars and a complex of 1V12M control vehicles are moving along the road (view from the side of 1V12M, several plans).



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Footage, 8 footages, Duration: 2:52:15 to collection V 12/12/2023

A platoon of cadets in the technical hangar listens to the instructions of the lieutenant colonel.

The cadet explains to the novice the task of checking the equipment for landing.

The soldier proceeds to fulfill the standard for checking the truck on the platform, examines the fasteners and cables, reports the absence of a part, continues the inspection.

A general view of the hangar with equipment and cadets inspecting cars.

The cadet explains to the novice how to properly attach the load with cables to the platform, demonstrates the operation of the lock.

Ready-to-land vehicles.

Cadets in the back of a truck inspect packed parachutes.


Serve my Homeland (2013) 06/23/2013

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:06 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Our report: shooting at the Plesetsk space center on June 7, 2013, launch of the Soyuz medium-range carrier rocket with a spacecraft on board.

The plot of the work of the Main Center for the Exploration of the Space Environment (escorting missiles and satellites with the technical means of the center).

Fragments of the interview about the work of the national space monitoring system: the head of the center Alexander Logvinenko, the commander of the duty forces Alexander Tolkun, the head of the department of the location of space objects Lyudmila Turutova.

Our report: a combination of martial arts of the East with the spirit of Orthodoxy.

Priest of Russia's special services, Protopriest Peter Lysenko, teaches karate of special forces soldiers and soldiers in the military-patriotic club named after Alexander Nevsky.

Fragments of training and competitions.


Serve my Homeland (2010) 14.02.2010

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:09 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Our history: 65 years of the Vistula-Oder operation on January 12 - February 3, 1945.

It was one of the fastest offensive operations of the Second World War, allowing the Soviet Army in just 23 days to overcome 600 km at once.

But during this operation there were also controversial points.

The candidate of historical sciences Alexey Kilichenkov tells.

In the preparation of the plot used the chronicle of the war years.

Our report: 82 years ago, on January 31, 1928, the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR decided to legitimize the term "air defense".


Serve my Homeland (2010) 06.20.2010

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:02 to collection V2 12/12/2023

A newsreel of 1941: The invasion of German fascist troops on the territory of the USSR on June 22, 1941.

Combat actions of Soviet and German troops.

General Cherevychenko at the command post.

The plot of the veteran of the war, Catherine Demina - a medical orderly of the Marine Corps Battalion.

Fragments from d / movie "Katyusha", dedicated to the battle path of Catherine Demina.

Film director Viktor Lisakovich talks about working on the film "Katyusha" in 1964 (synchronously).


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