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Serve my Homeland (2013) 02/17/2013

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:04 to collection V2 12/12/2023

The plot about the training of service dogs in the Dog Training Center of the Separate Division of the operational assignment of the Internal Troops.

Video chronicle: check documents at the checkpoint.

Inspection of the car with the help of a service dog.

Detention of a conditional terrorist by a patrol and search dog.

The head of the Dog Training Center Pavel Sokolin speaks about the training of dogs and their specialization, the training of instructors (synchronously).

Feeding dogs.

Dogs in cages.


Serve my Homeland (2011) 05.29.2011

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:00 to collection V2 12/12/2023

The plot of the preparation of the young recruitment in the 106th Airborne Division.

Video chronicle: training paratroopers on the field in front of parachute jumps.

Check the readiness of personnel to jump.

Paratroopers are making educational jumps.

The doctor on duty at the landing site Maxim Stepanov speaks about the sensations during the jump (synchronously).

Landing paratrooper paratrooper.

Obtaining outfits and shoes for conscripts of the Tula Military Commissariat.


Serve my Homeland (2013) 11/10/2013

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:07 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Our report: recently in the Moscow Gostiny Dvor the traditional exhibition "Arms & Hunting" ("Arms and Hunting") was held, this year it coincided with a very important process of revival and restoration of the shooting industry of the military-industrial complex.

The exhibition was attended by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin and American film actor Steven Seagal.

The central event of the exhibition was the presentation of the Kalashnikov concern.

The revival of the weapons of the Second World War: a modern hunting version of the legendary CBT produced by "Molot Arms".

Hunting carbine based on the Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine gun.

Hunting carbine MA-AK-02 on the basis of Kalashnikov rifles of the 1960s.

Hunting carbines of the company "Orsis" on the basis of the M-4 carbine.


Serve my Homeland (2014) 04/13/2014

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:09 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Our report: correspondent Sergei Gubanov of the Kazan Higher Military Command School, filming in February 2014.

Military analysts say with confidence that the tank will for a long time be the basis of the combat order of the ground forces.

According to experts, the tank - the only universal facility on the battlefield, which is able to destroy almost any ground target within reach, being under enemy fire.

Today, the officers-tankers of the command profile are preparing the only university in the country - the Kazan Higher Military Command School.

Fragments of lessons and tests in various disciplines in classes and at the training ground.

Interview: Deputy Head of the Department of Armament and Military Equipment Igor Yatsenko, Deputy Head of the School for Academic Studies Igor Melnikov, the head of the physical training department Iskander Khareyev, the head of the school Valery Mironchenko, cadets Rafiz Shamsiev, Yaroslav Dvortsov, Nikita Kedrov, Ruslan Chernichenko.


Serve my Homeland (2008) 11/05/2008

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:05 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Our heroes.

On May 9, our country celebrated the great Victory Day.

It is truly a festival with tears in your eyes.

And although 63 years have passed since the end of the Second World War, the remains of many soldiers remain in the ground.

Vasily Nyukhalkin was looking for the grave of his grandfather for 8 years, he applied to various instances - museums, archives, search units, but to no avail, and when he had already lost all hope, he was informed by the glad tidings: the grave of his grandfather, who died March 31, 1942 near the now defunct Dolginevo village of Gzhatsky Uyezd, was found.

Our history.


Serve my Homeland (2008) 30.03.2008

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:02 to collection V2 12/12/2023

The plot of the Kazan squad of special forces.

Video chronicle: fighters of the detachment on the fiery-assault strip.

The commander of the branch, Airat Haydarov, speaks about the service in a special unit (synchronously).

Classes in high-altitude and shooting training.

Memorial corner in the squad room.

Major Yevgeny Yakovlev talks about the feat of fighters of the detachment in Chechnya (synchronously).

General view of the house for the families of the squad members.


Serve my Homeland (2011) 09/18/2011

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:07 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Our report: 215 years of GFS of Russia.

In 1796, Emperor Paul I signed a decree "On the Establishment of the Feldjäger Corps".

Since then, and to this day, the duties of the State Courier Service include the delivery of secret mail directly from hand to hand.

For more than two hundred years of history, Feldsvyaz has not lost a single envelope, which is why the service has an impeccable reputation.

In the preparation of the plot, cadres of the chronicles of the 1950s, operational surveys of the FGS of the Russian Federation were used.

Interview on the work of special couriers: a veteran of the GFS of the Russian Federation Colonel Ivan Semenovich Chernyshev, senior inspector of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation GFS Sergey Egorov, training Igor Gavrilenko, Chief Specialist of the Arms Department Andrey Kosarev, Senior Internal Service Lieutenant Artem Kaplun, Acting Officer Alexander Khaplygin, Head of the 1st Department of the 3rd Directorate of the Federal Service for the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Alexander Kaledkin, Deputy Director of the Federal Service for the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.


Serve my Homeland (2013) 11/24/2013

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:08 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Our report: Russian special forces in Beijing.

Within ten days, the soldiers of the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the People's Armed Police of the People's Republic of China practiced practical questions of counteracting terrorist activities.

The Chinese side was represented by the fighters of the elite squad "Snow Leopard".

This is the first time in the history of the Chinese special services, when an elite unit invites foreign military personnel to conduct joint training in the territory of China.

Shooting in the location of a separate operational division (2007) and in the location of the PRC Defense Academy (2013).

Interview: heads of joint exercises by Russia (Igor Medvedev) and China (Guo Shengwei).


Serve my Homeland (2009) 06/14/2009

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:10 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Our report: in Abkhazia, the formation of units of the border service of the Russian FSB began.

The corresponding agreement between the presidents of Russia and Abkhazia was signed on April 30, 2009.

The uniqueness of this border connection is that for the first time in modern history, Russian border guards guard not only the land but also the sea borders of a friendly state recognized as independent.

Shooting in the location of the checkpoint "Ingur" PU FSB RF in Abkhazia.

Archival materials of TC VID about the service of border troops in Tajikistan, Georgia, Dagestan.

Interview: Deputy Head of the PS of the FSB of the Russian Federation Viktor Trufanov, deputy chief of PU FSB on Abkhazia Dmitry Korolev, PPC controller "Inguri" Andrey Tkachenko, border guards Nasrullah Urduhanov and Nikita Muradzyan.


Serve my Homeland (2011) 11/27/2011

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:04 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Our report: VIII Spartakiad of friendly armies of the CIS member states.

It is known that having a relatively weak health, the great commander Alexander Suvorov constantly tempered himself physically.

He was convinced that the strength of the army was in the soldier, not only technically literate, but also physically developed.

And today one of the most important conditions for the transition of the Russian army to a new qualitative level is commanding the improvement of physical training of servicemen.

Recently in St.

Petersburg, the level of their physical development was confirmed by cadets of higher military educational institutions not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the Commonwealth.

Shooting at the Military Institute of Physical Culture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: stages of sports competitions.


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