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Serve my Homeland (2008) 13.04.2008

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:05 to collection V2 12/12/2023

During four years of service in Chechnya, Mikhail Kolmakov neutralized more than 150 explosive devices, destroyed 1326 explosive items.

On 14 July 2003 it became a black date for the commander of a platoon platoon: during engineering reconnaissance, Mikhail blew himself up on a radio-controlled land mine, splinters shattered the shoulder joint, his arm had to be amputated.

Nevertheless, this courageous man managed to return to his unit and again pass along the fatal route.

Filming in Nizhny Novgorod: a story about the daily life of the Chevalier of the Order of Courage Mikhail Kolmakov, fragments of an interview with Mikhail and an officer of the Physical Training Department Pavel Kulagin about continuing sports training and military service.

The plot includes operational surveys in Chechnya, 2003.

Our history.


Serve my Homeland (2008) 06.07.2008

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:06 to collection V2 12/12/2023

In the hot days of July 1944, the Lvov-Sandomierz operation was conducted.

In the program, the memories of one of the few remaining survivors of these battles: major general in retirement and veteran of special risk units Yuri Pavlovich Dorofeev tells about the Great Patriotic War, about fallen comrades and about how he decided to devote his whole life to serving the Motherland.

He could become a poet, photo artist or scientist, but served more than 60 years in the army, participated in the testing of nuclear weapons at the training ground in Semipalatinsk and in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, but in spite of everything, he is happy that the fate of the officer fell to him.

Our report.

In the Internal Troops they are called the "Salvation Army", because it is from their actions, without exaggeration, the life of crews of aircraft and helicopters in distress.

Almost a month in the Rostov region, specialists of the parachute rescue services of the air units of the Internal Troops perfected their skills.


Serve my Homeland (2009) 12/13/2009

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:07 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Our report: the story of Sergei Gubanov on the 282nd training center of the RHBB.

In November 1918, the first units of the new kind of troops-the chemical troops-were created.

Throughout the history of its development, chemical protection units have occupied and occupy a special place in the structure of the Armed Forces.

The troops of high technology - this is how the parts of radiation, chemical and biological protection are called in the Russian Army today.

Shooting in the training center: exams for tactical and special training, theoretical and practical exercises.

From the history of the center (shooting in Afghanistan, Chechnya, operational surveys of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kabardino-Balkaria).

Armament and special equipment of the troops of the RKhBZ.


Serve my Homeland (2011) 10/30/2011

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:00 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Our report: the exam is at the limit of human strength.

Under Novosibirsk passed annual qualification tests for the right to wear maroon beret - a symbol of courage, professionalism and belonging to the elite of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Correspondent Alexei Kulik took part in the march-throw.

Interview: Major of the reserve of Internal Affairs Ministry of the Russian Federation Yuri Serdyuk, commander of the 19th squad of the Spn of Internal Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vasily Semin, senior grenade launcher of the 19th Detachment of the Spn of the Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation Kirill Lazarevich.

Our report: interdepartmental humanitarian action "Mutual assistance, cooperation, security".

Border guards, rescuers, doctors, sportsmen, as well as film and television stars became participants in the traditional humanitarian action, which was conducted by the staff of the Border Guard Service of the Russian FSB in Abkhazia.


Serve my Homeland (2014) 10/26/2014

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:10 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Our report: an exhibition of modern weapons technology.

Russia is moving in the general course of development of weapons and military equipment, and the level of domestic military products meets the requirements of the times.

This conclusion was made by Russian specialists of the Military-Industrial Complex on the results of participation in the largest international exhibition of armaments and military equipment of the ground forces and ground-based air defense systems "Eurosatory 2014".

This year, the Russian military industrial complex was represented by 28 companies that exhibited about 400 exhibits.

Shooting at the Paris Exhibition Center "Paris Nord Villepinte".

Interview: Deputy Director General of Rosoboronexport Igor Sevastyanov, experts of Kalashnikov Concern OJSC Vladimir Onokoy and Mikhail Nemykin, general director of TsNIITOCHMASH Dmitry Semizorov, head of foreign economic service of the manufacturer of multipurpose platforms with remote control Oleg Petrov.


Serve my Homeland (2006) 2006

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:00 to collection V2 12/12/2023


1. "Cavalry escort" is the first plot from the series "To the 70th anniversary of the Presidential Regiment."

Working with horses.

Demonstration of cavalry receptions.

Stable of a cavalry squadron.

Rehearsal of a cavalry escort in the Kremlin.

A story about the history of the ceremony.


Serve my Homeland (2009) 25.01.2009

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:00 to collection V2 12/12/2023


1. Reporting about anti-aircraft anti-aircraft defenses of the Taman Division.

Anti-aircraft missile systems, whose crews conduct combat coordination, on the Alabinsk test site in the suburbs.

SAM "Tunguska"

Chronicle of the First World War and the Great Patriotic War, which deals with the role of air defense units in the course of combat operations.

Missile systems "Strela".

Training classes for crew training.


Serve my Homeland (2012) 22.07.2012

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:06 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Reportage from the International Exhibition of Samples of Equipment and Weapons in Zhukovsky.

Video chronicle: demonstration of the capabilities of domestic armored vehicles, tank "ballet".

Deputy Director of the Forum "Technologies in Mechanical Engineering" Leonid Gubarenko talks about the organization of the forum, its participants and the expected number of spectators.

Samples of weapons and equipment on the site.

Deputy Director General of Rosoboronexport Igor Sevastyanov speaks about the goals, tasks and features of the exhibition.

Demonstration of the possibilities of automotive military equipment of various types.

Demonstration of the combat capabilities of the T-90MS tank.


Serve my Homeland (2007) 10/07/2007

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:05 to collection V2 12/12/2023

The plot of joint exercises of Indian and Russian units of the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces) near Pskov.

Video chronicle: Indian paratroopers before boarding an airplane.

Russian and Indian generals solve current issues.

The Russian paratrooper checks the equipment of an Indian colleague.

The faces of Indian Sikh paratroopers.

Spetsnazovets Balkar Bon Sing speaks about the national composition of the unit and the fighting traditions of the Sikhs.

Landing in the air, paratroopers in the sky.


Serve my Homeland (2007) 29.07.2007

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:03 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Videorecording: daily life of young soldiers of the training unit in the Training Center of the 33 rd detachment of special purpose Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The deputy commander of the training group, Vladimir Nikolenko, talks about the selection criteria for the special forces unit.

The cadet Losev speaks about the difficulties of including in the training group.

Cadets in training for assembly and disassembly of the machine.

Classes for physical and fire training.

Sergeant Khanykin says about the quality of training in the Training Center.

The performance by cadets of standards for the assembly and disassembly of weapons.


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