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Serve my Homeland (2010) 11/04/2010

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:02 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Our report: after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the prewar borders with the Baltic republics were restored, and the Pskov region again became a border region, today it is the main transport corridor connecting Europe with Asia.

Sergey Gubanov's report on the control of land and water borders.

The Russian-Estonian border, testing the detention of a conventional offender.

The commander of the hovercraft Yuri Burdilov on the advantages of new technology.

The Russian-Latvian border, the railway and road checkpoints.

Car check.

Controller Lydia Osipova on the role of female intuition in the work.


Serve my Homeland (2012) 01/09/2012

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:03 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Our report: military priests.

In modern armies, priests are no longer so rare.

In the central military district, several people are enlisted as assistant commanders for work with religious servicemen, however, most of them continue to serve on a voluntary basis.

The plot is dedicated to the priest Alexander Eroshin, who went to the army on conscription.

Shooting in Baltiysk: sailor-signaler of the 36th Krasnoznamennaya Brigade of missile boats of the Baltic Fleet Alexander Eroshin gives an interview about a combination of spiritual and army service, about his conversations with soldiers and officers.

The commander of the department Yevgeny Shelkova tells about the priest and his influence on people.

Priest Mikhail Vasilyev on the position and role of priests in the ranks of the army.


Serve my Homeland (2013) 07/21/2013

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:06 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Our report: the implementation of the state armament program and the federal target program for the modernization of enterprises of the defense industry faces new challenges.

In addition to the economic and financial difficulties caused by the world crisis, specialists call the personnel shortage a shortage of highly skilled engineers and workers in the defense industry.

Shooting at various defense plants, comments by correspondent Sergei Gubanov on problems in the system of training of workforce.

Filming at the Aleksinsky experimental-mechanical plant: empty workshops, workers at the machine tools.

Interview: turner-wagon Vladimir Rozhkov, turner-welder Sergei Sokolov, general director of the plant Yuri Potokin on low salaries and lack of prospects as the key reasons for the unwillingness of young people to work in such enterprises.

Aleksinsky Chemical-Technological College (AHTT): excursion for the entrants to the museum, fragments of lessons.

Alexey Mitin, Director of the Academy of Arts and Technologies, about the target program for training specialists.


Serve my Homeland (2013) 10/27/2013

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:07 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Our report: international exhibition of military products in Nizhny Tagil.

Visitors of the exhibition were able to see the latest examples of military equipment, extensive pavilions and open demonstration sites, display of combat capabilities of equipment on special routes and, finally, large-scale battle scenes with live fire.

The plot includes a fragment of the meeting of the Commission for Military Technical Cooperation (April 2012).

Our report: official dog breeding.

Shooting at the cynological center of a separate operational division (ODON): competitions for service dogs.

Interview: Senior instructor of the platoon of mine detection dogs ODON Timur Timerbaev, instructor Vyacheslav Zlobin, instructor of the assault group of the marine detachment SZRK Airat Kashapov, head of the cynological department of the General Staff of the Main Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Mikhail Dychkek, instructor of the patrol and search platoon ODON Lev Demin.


Serve my Homeland (2010) 10.05.2010

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:06 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Boris Galkin congratulates the veterans of the Great Patriotic War on Victory Day.

Our heroes: lieutenant-general of tank troops Vasily Mikhailovich Badanov.

The plot of Sergei Gubanov on the operation "Small Saturn" (Srednedonskaya offensive operation).

The chronicle of 1942 is used in the preparation of the plot.

Interview: veterans of the 2nd Guards Tatsinsky tank corps Mikhail Chubarev and Arkady Ozeryn, director of the Tatsinsky museum of military glory Dmitry Grechkin.


Serve my Homeland (2012) 18.03.2012

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:03 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Our report: at the beginning of the year, the British channel "Military channel" based on a survey of international military experts rated the best small arms of the century.

All models were evaluated in five categories, including accuracy of fire, combat effectiveness, originality of construction and duration of service.

In almost all categories, the legendary AKM Kalashnikov assault rifle became the leader of the rating.

Recently, the design bureau "Izhmash" presented the newest development - AK-12, Kalashnikov 5th generation automaton.

Sergey Gubanov's report from the manufacturer and from the joint Soviet-Swedish military exercises.

Interview: designer Mikhail Kalashnikov, expert Mikhail Degtyarev, chief designer of the NGO Izhmash Vladimir Zlobin, platoon commander Magnus Fierare.


Serve my Homeland (2014) 05/11/2014

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:06 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Our report: according to the results of training activities in the last academic year, the Far Eastern Higher Military Command School (DVVKU) was recognized the best higher military educational institution of the ground forces of Russia.

Today, the oldest military high school in the Far East trains more than 1,500 cadets, including those who receive a secondary military professional education, as well as servicemen from 20 foreign states.

Filming in Blagoveshchensk, in the location of DVVKU: rehearsal of the choir, theoretical and practical exercises, exercises at the training grounds.

Interview: Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department Elena Kozina, cadet of the Special Department Diallo Elhaj, Deputy Head of the DVVKU Sergey Galushka, Associate Professor of the Department tactics and command and control of troops Eugene Grozdov, senior lecturer of the Department of Tactics and Command Control Andrei Khomich, Deputy Head of the Department weapons and military equipment Alexander Smirnov, cadet of secondary vocational training Ivan Khaidunov.

Our report: the motto of the army special forces says "Anytime, anywhere, any tasks."

This iron rule is subject to the whole life of the Hero of Russia, scout Evgeny Nikolaevich Konopelkin.


Serve my Homeland (2014) 05/25/2014

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:04 to collection V2 12/12/2023

The plot is about creating a unified system for the basing of surface ships and submarines of the new generation in the Arctic and protecting the nuclear icebreaking fleet from the terrorist threat.

Video chronicle: a special unit of the 2nd Marine detachment of the Internal Troops during exercises to neutralize the terrorists who captured the icebreaker.

Deputy commander of the patrol boat division Andrey Koval speaks about the actions of units during the neutralization of conditional terrorists, about the qualifications of their subordinates (synchronously).

Submarine sappers are sent to the icebreaker's body (underwater survey).

The commander of the group of divers speaks about the peculiarities of the actions of their subordinates in the conditions of the Kola Bay (synchronously).

Training of combat divers.

Divers neutralize the training mine.


Serve my Homeland (2013) 12/08/2013

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:08 to collection V2 12/12/2023

Our reportage: The Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Armed Forces celebrates its jubilee.

There are no analogues to this military university in the world, and its graduates are a special topic, the pride of the Russian army.

At various times it was completed by Marshals Govorov, Zhukov, Malinovsky, Rokossovsky, and also over 1200 Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia.

Shooting in the museum and auditoriums of the academy, fragments of theoretical and practical exercises.

Interview: Alexei Samolkin, deputy head of the VUNTS SV OA Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, deputy head of the VUNTS SV OA Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for study and research Alexei Kim, the senior lecturer of the department of operational art Valentin Runov, the teacher of the operational art department Andrey Samankov, the head of the course of the combat army system Sergei Bogachev, deputy head of the research center Igor Pangeman, a student of the command faculty Dmitry Epifanov, a student of the special faculty Zheremias Arao.

Our report: thousands of servicemen of the internal troops changed the registration for the past year, and this is due not to the redeployment of units where they serve, but to the improvement of living conditions.


Serve my Homeland (2013) 02/17/2013

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:04 to collection V2 12/12/2023

The plot about the training of service dogs in the Dog Training Center of the Separate Division of the operational assignment of the Internal Troops.

Video chronicle: check documents at the checkpoint.

Inspection of the car with the help of a service dog.

Detention of a conditional terrorist by a patrol and search dog.

The head of the Dog Training Center Pavel Sokolin speaks about the training of dogs and their specialization, the training of instructors (synchronously).

Feeding dogs.

Dogs in cages.


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