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Cosmonautics. When the Universe speaks. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:05 to collection V4 11/3/2022

Humanity continues to search for "brothers in mind".

Almost every month, scientists discover new Earth-like exoplanets, where microorganisms similar to terrestrial ones may well exist.

But for now the universe is silent, and this silence is the main paradox that science cannot explain yet.

Scientists suggest that contact between the worlds is likely to be established using radio communication as a universal language of intergalactic communication, it is no coincidence that almost all terrestrial messages to other civilizations are similarly encoded using a radio signal.

But even radio messages cannot solve the main problem of such contacts - huge distances.

Any signal sent by aliens today will go hundreds of light-years away from us, as well as in the opposite direction.

Interview: Sergey Popov, Vadim Chernobrov, Vladimir Lipunov.

Cosmonautics. Mars is a time machine. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:41 to collection V4 11/3/2022

The study of Mars will allow you to travel to the ancient past.

While the tectonic systems of Earth and Venus in the course of their activity destroyed traces of the early history of the planets, Mars remained unchanged for 3 billion years.

Perhaps the secrets of the early history of the entire Solar System are hidden in the depths of the Red Planet, and a few years after analyzing the work of the ExoMars and Curiosity missions on Mars, we are waiting for many major discoveries.

Scientists hope that Mars exploration will help to learn a lot about the history of the Earth.

The plot starred Igor Mitrofanov and Lev Zeleny.

Cosmonautics. The cure for weightlessness. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:45 to collection V4 11/3/2022

A person adapts to the state of weightlessness in orbit faster than then again to gravity.

Even today, when various programs have been developed for the rapid recovery of astronauts, the effects of weightlessness are felt for quite a long time.

In search of ways to protect astronauts from such impacts, mass spectrometry is used.

This is a method from the young science of proteomics, which studies proteins that are synthesized in our body.

Specialists of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Skoltech conducted an experiment, as a result of which they discovered proteins responsible for the restructuring of the body's work in weightlessness.

Perhaps in the future it will help to create a tool that will solve all human problems with maintaining health in space.

Interview: Evgeny Nikolaev, Valery Polyakov, Irina Larina, Anna Ryabokon, Kristina Fedorchenko.

Cosmonautics. "Altai" (the call sign of the Soyuz MS-09 crew). (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:36 to collection V4 11/3/2022

The crew of the Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft is being trained at the Gagarin CPC. The crew commander with the call sign "Altai" is the cosmonaut of Roscosmos Sergey Prokopyev.

The former military pilot is preparing for the first space flight, is training with other crew members (Alexander Gerst, Serena Aunon-Chancellor), tells about the history of the call sign and about his participation in the Victory Parade in 2010, when he piloted the Tu-160 "White Swan" missile carrier over Red Square.

Cosmonautics. Space technologies for historians. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:40 to collection V4 11/3/2022

Space technologies help historians in the restoration of ancient frescoes and the restoration of lost manuscripts.

The Historical Museum, which applied such technologies, was awarded a diploma of the XIX International Festival of Museums "For successful cooperation with leading research centers of the Russian Academy of Sciences".

The chief specialist of the ICI RAS, Alexander Andreev, and historian Elena Ukhanova talk about the frescoes, icons and manuscripts that have already been restored, and about further plans for work in this direction.

Cosmonautics. Expression of Baikonur. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:52 to collection V4 11/3/2022

Baikonur is the first and legendary space port of mankind.

It was from here that earthlings stepped into space, so nowadays Baikonur has become a center of attraction for tourists from all over the world.

Tourists Alina Lyakhova, Yaroslava Romanova, Rick Gazerian, Heinrich Otto Bartling, Leo Rogers shared their impressions of the cosmodrome and of watching the launch of the rocket.

General Director of "CENKI" Rano Jurayeva told about further plans to create such a tourist infrastructure so that guests of Baikonur would be not only interesting, but also comfortable here.

Cosmonautics. Sunday start. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:33 to collection V4 11/3/2022

Preparations for the launch of the Soyuz MS-07 manned spacecraft are being completed at Baikonur.

The crew commander with the call sign "Astray" is cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov, this will be his third flight.

Flight engineers Scott Tingle and Norishige Kanai will go into space for the first time.

The crew will work on the ISS for almost five months, will conduct more than 100 scientific experiments, will receive the Progress, Dragon and Cygnus cargo transport ships, will go to work in outer space and, of course, will meet 2018. The launch of the ship is scheduled for Sunday, December 17, 2017.

1 мая 1989 года в Москве. (1989)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:44 to collection G 11/2/2022

Транспарант с лозунгом и портретом Ленина в одной из колонн демонстрации 1 мая 1989 года в Москве.

Транспарант с лозунгом, посвященным перестройке экономики, в одной из колонн демонстрации.

Виды первомайской демонстрации, движущейся по улицам Москвы, транспаранты с лозунгами и разноцветные воздушные шарики в руках участников демонстрации.

Транспарант с лозунгом в поддержку завоеваний Октябрьской революции движется по Красной площади в одной их колонн демонстрации.

Представители Ленинградского района Москвы идут по улице Горького на Красную площадь, вид части улицы Горького.

Представители Ленинграда на Красной площади во время первомайского митинга.

Панорама Красной площади во время первомайского митинга.


Освоение Арктики. (1932 - 1937)

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Footage, 3 footages, Duration: 0:04:44 to collection G 11/2/2022

Папанин И.Д. среди участников экспедиции на аэродром у самолета перед вылетом на Северный полюс в марте 1937 года.

Кинооператор Трояновский М. вращает рукоятку камеры.

Шмидт О.Ю. прощается с коллегами перед вылетом.

Летчик Водопьянов М.В. идет к самолету.

Водопьянов М.В. и члены его экипажа стоят у самолета.

Лицо Шмидта О.Ю.

Лица летчиков Водопьянова М.В., Молокова В.С., Алексеева А.Д.,


Траурные мероприятия в дни похорон В.И. Ленина. (1924)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:21 to collection G 11/2/2022

Эсминец Балтийского флота "Троцкий" дает траурный салют в день погребения тела В.И. Ленина в мавзолей 27 января 1924 года, виды эсминца с различных ракурсов.

Дзержинский Ф.Э. на Красной площади во время траурного митинга 27 января 1924 года.

Вид части траурного шествия на Красную площадь на одной из улиц Москвы (сверху).

Снятие гроба с телом Ленина с траурного помоста на Красной площади для переноса в мавзолей.

Гроб с телом Ленина заносят во временный мавзолей.

Вид траурного помоста на Красной площади, установка на помост гроба с телом Ленина.

По Красной площади проходят участники траурной демонстрации.


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