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Зарубежная кинохроника. (1923 - 1925)

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Footage, 3 footages, Duration: 0:04:34 to collection G 11/2/2022

Президент США Гардинг У. на заднем сиденье автомобиля, шофер укутывает его попоной.

Вид траурного зала во время похорон Гардинга в августе 1923 года.

Гроб с телом Гардинга, покрытый флагом США.

Прибытие инвалидов первой мировой войны на похороны Гардинга.

Выступление оратора на митинге, посвященном памяти Гардинга.

Преемник Гардинга Калвин Кулидж и его супруга выходят из автомобиля во время поездки по стране.

Выступление президента Кулиджа во время инаугурации.


Из жизни русских эмигрантов. (1925 - 1926)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:21 to collection G 11/2/2022

Вид куполов православного храма в Париже.

Священник с крестом в руках служит молебен.

Лицо женщины, осеняющей себя крестным знамением.

Иеродиакон читает молитву у иконы.

Мужчина молится у иконы Божией Матери.

Вход в редакцию эмигрантской газеты "Возрождение" в Париже.

Корректоры за работой.


Мастера русского балета. (1920 - 1927)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:01 to collection G 11/2/2022

Русская балерина Тамара Карсавина репетирует у станка.

Выступление танцевального дуэта, лица танцовщиков.

Анна Павлова исполняет партию в одном из балетных спектаклей, ноги балерины на пуантах.

Cosmonautics. Space Klin. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:22 to collection V4 11/2/2022

In the city of Klin near Moscow, the 100th anniversary of the birth of fellow countryman - Minister of General Mechanical Engineering Sergey Alexandrovich Afanasyev was celebrated.

He was called the "first space minister".

Afanasyev headed the Ministry of General Engineering from 1965 to 1983 .

The celebrations continued at the conference "Afanasiev Readings" and ended with the premiere of the documentary "The Century of Afanasyev".

The plot starred Dmitry Rogozin, Oleg Baklanov, Denis Kravchenko, the head of the Klin city district Alyona Sokolskaya.

Cosmonautics. Flying Islands on Neptune. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:15 to collection V4 11/2/2022

An international youth scientific school has opened at Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

More than 150 students from Russian and foreign technical universities will work on the project of an interplanetary station-an island adapted to flights in the atmospheres of giant planets.

The plot starred Vladimir Igritsky, Victoria Mayorova, graduates Ekaterina Timakova and Valeria Melnikova, student Maxim Kuznetsov.

Cosmonautics. SAS: save the astronaut. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:25 to collection V4 11/2/2022

35 years after the accident at the launch of the Soyuz T-10 spacecraft, the emergency rescue system (SAS) has again proved its effectiveness.

In an emergency situation on October 11, 2018, when the Soyuz MS-10 spacecraft was launched into orbit, the SAS worked successfully, the crew was saved.

A briefing for journalists was held at RSC Energia, where experts spoke in detail about the principle of operation of the emergency rescue system.

Interview: Igor Khamits, Pavel Vinogradov, Viktor Volchkov, Alexey Leonov, Vladimir Titov, Fyodor Yurchikhin.

Cosmonautics. The eve of the start: two in the "Union". (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:31 to collection V4 11/2/2022

Baikonur is preparing to launch the Soyuz-MS-10 manned spacecraft.

Crew commander Alexey Ovchinin and flight engineer Nick Hague are undergoing final training and live in a special observation mode.

According to the established tradition, Nick Hague planted his tree on the Cosmonauts' alley, and Alexey Ovchinin told about the planned medical experiments on the ISS.

Cosmonautics. Replenishment of the star squad. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:05 to collection V4 11/2/2022

Flights to the ISS, tests of a new manned spacecraft, expeditions to the orbit of the Moon, and then to the surface of our eternal satellite - these are the main goals for the next decade in the Russian manned cosmonautics program.

A new set of cosmonauts has been completed at Roscosmos.

Eight people entered the final, among them Evgeny Prokopyev, brother of cosmonaut Sergei Prokopyev.

The applicants went to the cherished goal for more than a year and a half.

The next set of cosmonauts is planned to be held until 2020, after which the detachment will be fully formed for several years.

The plot starred Dmitry Rogozin, Pavel Vlasov, Sergey Krikalev, candidates for the cosmonaut squad Konstantin Borisov and Evgeny Prokopyev.

Oil production in Africa. (1975 - 1987)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:05 to collection G 11/1/2022

Colombia.Bogota. (1975)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:49 to collection G 11/1/2022

Streets of Bogota.

People, cars.

Nuestra Senhora del Carmen Church.

A flock of pigeons in the square.

The Catholic Church.

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