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Africa. (1975)

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Footage, 10 footages, Duration: 0:31:32 to collection G 11/1/2022

Driving along the road past the huts.

The center of the settlement.


Planting of palm trees.

Driving along the road past one-story and two-story buildings.

The Monoprix store.

The central square.

Singapore. (1975)

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Footage, 5 footages, Duration: 0:26:26 to collection G 11/1/2022

View of the city from the top point.

The panorama.

Traffic on the street (taken from the top point).

General plans of the city.

Boats on the dock in the bay.

Panorama of the roofs.

A burning torch and colorful flags.


Кинохроника Императорской семьи. (1908 - 1916)

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Footage, 3 footages, Duration: 0:24:13 to collection G 10/31/2022

Шествие в Московском Кремле в дни торжеств в честь 300-летия Дома Романовых, проходят представители духовенства, за ними - Николай II с супругой, офицеры Свиты Его Величества.

Вид павильона и помоста со стоящими на нем чинами Свиты во время тожественного мероприятия в Кремле.

Проходят гости, придворные чины, члены Императорской фамилии и офицеры Свиты.

Николай II, его супруга, офицеры Свиты на помосте по д навесом на территории Кремля во время торжественного молебна.

Лица проходящих чиновников придворного ведомства.

Представители высшего духовенства во главе торжественного шествия.

Панорама помоста и Красной площади во время торжественного мероприятия, по помосту идут представители духовенства.


Праздничные демонстрации в Москве. (1976 - 1981)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:06:21 to collection G 10/31/2022

Часы на Спасской башне Московского Кремля показывают 10.00., панорама Красной площади во время первомайской демонстрации 1976 года (сверху).

Панорама Красной площади во время первомайской демонстрации (сверху, другой ракурс).

Панорама части Московского Кремля, зданий Исторического музея и Красной площади во время первомайской демонстрации.

Портреты Брежнева Л.И. и Косыгина А.Н. над колонной демонстрантов, движущейся на Красную площадь.

Участники демонстрации 7 ноября проходят мимо трибуны в одном из городов СССР.

Министр обороны СССР Устинов Д.Ф., Генеральный секретарь ЦК КПСС Брежнев Л.И., Тихонов Н.А., Суслов М.А. на трибуне мавзолея во время демонстрации на Красной площади 7 ноября 1981 года.

Лица участников демонстрации 1 мая 1981 года на Красной площади.


Cosmonautics. Soyuz MS-09: the beginning of summer. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:33 to collection V4 10/31/2022

The Soyuz MS-09 manned spacecraft with the international crew of the new expedition went to the International Space Station from Baikonur, two days later the ship docked to the ISS. Among the honored guests of the cosmodrome were Valentina Tereshkova, Dmitry Rogozin and Sigmund Yen.

Interview: Dmitry Rogozin, Valentina Tereshkova, Sergey Prokopyev, Sigmund Yen, Alexander Gerst, David Saint-Jacques.

Cosmonautics. "Antares": the eve of the start. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:47 to collection V4 10/31/2022

Baikonur is preparing to launch the Soyuz MS-11 manned spacecraft.

The crew of the ship with the call sign "Antares" conducts the last training.

Oleg Kononenko, David Saint-Jacques and Anne McClain spoke about the upcoming work on the inspection of the outer skin of the Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft and about the planned experiments on the ISS, including the so-called telemedicine.

The launch of the ship is scheduled for December 3, 2018.

Cosmonautics. In St. Petersburg - cosmos ("KosmoStart-2018"). (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:20 to collection V4 10/31/2022

The All-Russian Patriotic Cosmonautics and Aviation Forum "CosmoStart-2018" was held in St.

Petersburg, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the International Space Station.

The organizers of the forum gathered about 500 schoolchildren and students from all over Russia.

Cosmonauts became the main guests of the forum.

Interview: Dmitry Shishkin, Sergey Ryazansky, Anton Shkaplerov, Mark Serov, Mikhail Antonov, a student of Gymnasium No. 4 in Sumerlya, Lyudmila Bocharova, a teacher, Sergei Komarov, a student of the Polytechnic University, and Sergey Prokopyev, a cosmonaut.

Cosmonautics. Goal in zero gravity. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:39 to collection V4 10/31/2022

The plot is dedicated to sports competitions of astronauts on the ISS. My favorite types of team games are badminton and football.

Such competitions give astronauts a good emotional release and unite the crew.

Interview: Alexander Misurkin, Oleg Artemyev, Anton Shkaplerov, Sergey Prokopyev.

Cosmonautics. When the Earth burns down. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:15 to collection V4 10/31/2022

A scientific conference was held at the Institute of Space Research (ICI RAS), which summed up the results of the astrophysical year and outlined plans for the exploration of deep space and the Sun.

The scientists will be helped by the Spektr-RG orbital observatory (Spektr X-Ray-Gamma), which will go into space in the spring of 2019. Scientists suggest that the astrophysical observatory will allow you to look back billions of years and answer the question of how our universe appeared.

Interview: Rashid Syunyaev, Mikhail Pavlinsky, Sergey Popov.

Cosmonautics. "Selena-F" will bring you to the moon. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:46 to collection V4 10/31/2022

Selena is another name for the moon.

The "Selena-F" experiment is taking place in the laboratories of the Space Medicine Research Institute.

A physiological experiment simulates the conditions of a person's stay on the moon.

The purpose of the study is to assess the state of health and activity of the main body systems during a stay in lunar gravity for many days.

Evgenia Khudyakova, Anton Artamonov, Viktor Baranov talk about the experiment.

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