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Мирные переговоры в Брест-Литовске. (1917 - 1918)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:04 to collection G 10/27/2022

Офицер- член советской делегации на мирных переговорах в Брест-Литовске помогает выйти из автомобиля члену делегации Анастасии Биценко, делегаты заходят в подъезд.

Представители России и Украины беседуют с немецкими и австрийскими офицерами на улице, дают друг другу прикурить.

Делегаты России и Украины выходят из автомобиля и отправляются на очередное заседание.

Прибытие австрийских и немецких делегатов.

Делегаты идут на заседание, заходят в подъезд.

Прибывшие делегаты выходят из автомобиля.

Члены австрийской делегации во главе с генералом фон Цицерсом идут на заседание.


Китайская народная республика. (1950 - 1967)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:28 to collection G 10/27/2022

Внутреннее убранство одного из китайских храмов, статуя божества.

Вид каменной полусферы в храмовом комплексе.

Виды статуэтки стоящих на коленях монахов.

Вид одной из башен Великой Китайской стены.

Резные каменные украшения в виде драконов (панорама), статуя дракона в одном из городских парков.

Раскрашенные статуи различных богов внутри одного из храмов.

Виды храмов, образцы китайской архитектуры.


Cosmonautics. Space Aviation Regiment. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:37 to collection V4 10/27/2022

The first cosmonaut of the planet Yuri Gagarin initiated the creation of an aviation regiment, where future cosmonauts master flight skills.

Gagarin invited Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Seregin, who taught all cosmonauts of the first set to fly, to the post of commander.

It was Seregin who developed the principles of training that instructors of the aviation detachment are guided by today.

Everyone should be able to fly a training aircraft.

Astronauts are required to operate in the so-called critical flight modes when the pilot experiences heavy overloads.

In fact, during these classes, flight conditions on a launch vehicle are simulated.

The plot starred L-39 squadron commander Marat Khalikov, cosmonaut Sergey Kud-Sverchkov, commander of the joint aviation detachment of the CPC Andrey Voloshin, Nadezhda Seregina (daughter of Seregin V.S.), deputy commander of the joint aviation detachment of the CPC Oleg Fedorenko, cosmonauts Oleg Blinov and Anna Kikina.

Cosmonautics. Space Call 2017. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:46 to collection V4 10/27/2022

The Gagarin CPC announced an additional recruitment to the Russian star squad.

The recruits will be selected according to their level of education, professional skills and health status.

As the previous set showed, many people dream of becoming astronauts, the competition is like entering a prestigious university.

The plot starred Yuri Lonchakov, Evgeny Shemchuk, Gennady Padalka, Alexander Esipov, Georgy Grechko.

Cosmonautics. Cosmofest-2017. (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:34 to collection V4 10/27/2022

The festival "Cosmofest Vostochny - 2017" was held in the Amur region, which brought together schoolchildren and students interested in space.

By tradition, the first day of the festival program was held at the Amur State University, where specialists are trained to work at cosmodromes, and in conclusion, an excursion to the Vostochny cosmodrome took place.

The plot starred Dmitry Shishkin, Andrey Plutenko, AmSU student Mikhail Snitko, Alexander Kaleri, Yuri Limansky, Oleg Zakharov, Rano Juraeva.

Cosmonautics. Canada's "Hand" on the ISS. (2016)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:45 to collection V4 10/27/2022

The main area of work of the Canadian Space Agency is robotic technologies.

The most famous project is the space manipulators "Canadarm" and "Canadarm2".

The first one was installed on the Columbia shuttle, and the Canadarm-2 went to the ISS. With the help of this manipulator, several segments of the ISS are assembled, as well as foreign cargo ships are docked.

David Saint-Jacques, an astronaut of the Canadian Space Agency, is visiting the program.

Cosmonautics. Remove the planet. (2016)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:44 to collection V4 10/27/2022

2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology in Russia.

Nature protection is one of the important components of modern cosmonautics.

The result of a successful launch is not only the launch of a spacecraft or a ship into orbit, but also the preservation of the natural environment.

It is noted that, surprisingly, the cosmodrome has a positive effect on the surrounding flora and fauna, and the team of ecologists ensures that human activity does not destroy the natural balance.

Interview: Rano Juraeva, Chief Designer of the Nizhny Novgorod Research Institute of Radio Engineering Alexey Saberov, chief Specialist of the department for creating new routes for the launch of "CENKI" Igor Lyakhovenko, director of the Republican Information and Analytical Center for Environmental Monitoring Lena Volkova, head of the Vilyuysky district municipality Sergey Vinokurov.

Cosmonautics. Vostochny: start for Angara. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:05 to collection V4 10/27/2022

Preparatory work on the construction of a launch complex for launch vehicles of the Angara family begins at the Vostochny cosmodrome.

The construction of the launch site at the new Russian cosmodrome will begin in 2019. Comments on: Andrey Okhlopkov, Dmitry Rogozin.

Cosmonautics. Space at the Army-2018 Forum. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:56 to collection V4 10/27/2022

Peaceful space at the military exhibition is a vivid example of the great opportunities of the space industry.

The International Military-Technical Forum "Army-2018" was held in Kubinka near Moscow.

Enterprises and institutes of Roscosmos presented samples of promising rocket and space technology at the exhibition.

The head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin and the Minister of Defense and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan Beibut Atamkulov updated the protocol on the creation of the Baiterek missile complex.

Interview: Evgeny Nesterov, Atlas VR Project Manager Andrey Popov, Dmitry Rogozin, Dmitry Baranov, Andrey Okhlopkov, Director for Foreign Economic Activity of FSUE "CENKI" Sergey Solomonov, Leading Engineer of FSUE "TsNIIMash" Andrey Maksimov, Head of the sector of the Khrunichev State Scientific and Technical Center Alexander Kuznetsov.

Cosmonautics. "Buran" will return. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:58 to collection V4 10/27/2022

The plot of the 30th anniversary of the flight of the ship "Buran".

Buran became the world's first reusable rocket plane, which made an automatic space flight on November 15, 1988. It was called a digital ship ahead of time, and simply a "Russian Miracle".

Many Buran instruments and systems have been installed on spacecraft of the next generations, and the unique technologies developed for it are used in modern reusable spacecraft projects.

Vladimir Kruchinin, Igor Volk, Oleg Baklanov, Yuri Makarov, Vladimir Skorodelov shared their memories of the "Buran".

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