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Cosmonautics. The universe in a wide "Spectrum". (2019)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:55 to collection V4 11/9/2022

A Proton-M rocket has been sent to Baikonur, its task is to launch the Spektr-RG scientific observatory into space, which will study the Universe in the X-ray wavelength range.

Interview about the operation of the instruments installed on board the observatory: Alexander Lutovinov, Boris Shustov, Mikhail Khailov.

Cosmonautics. "Spectrum" of the Universe ("Spectrum-RG": X-ray for the Universe). (2019)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:11:36 to collection V4 11/9/2022

The Proton launch vehicle with the Spectrum-RG astrophysical observatory is ready to launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

Scientists tell in detail about the device of two telescopes installed on board the observatory: Russian "ART-XC" and German "E-Rosita".

Thanks to this telescope, it will be possible to see what has been happening in the universe for ten billion years, and find out what happened much earlier than the appearance of our planet, how the Earth was formed.

Scientists also hope to trace the history of the growth of supermassive black holes, because this is one of the largest cosmic mysteries.

The plot starred Mikhail Pavlinsky, Rashid Sunyaev, Ilya Lomakin, Alexander Lutovinov, Ivan Moskatinyev.

Cosmonautics. Alexey Leonov: chronicle of a man-made miracle. (2019)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:14:00 to collection V4 11/9/2022

The plot for the 85th anniversary of cosmonaut Alexei Leonov.

The cosmonaut recalls and tells in detail about his first spacewalk and about the Soyuz - Apollo program, which marked the beginning of successful international cooperation, as well as about his long-term friendship with NASA astronaut Thomas Stafford and his passion for painting.

Interview: Alexey Leonov, Sergey Krikalev, Valentina Tereshkova.

Cosmonautics. Small satellites for large tasks. (2019)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:45 to collection V4 11/8/2022

Roshydromet announced plans to create an orbital grouping of small weather satellites.

The experience of the weather service of Japan will be taken as a basis.

Small spacecraft are indispensable assistants for scientists and engineers, because despite their size and small, by space standards, weight, they are capable of performing serious tasks from remote sensing of the Earth to astronomical, geophysical, meteorological and other observations.

Anna Zakharova, Igor Belokonov, Andrey Kramlikh, Yuri Solomonov talk about small satellites.

Cosmonautics. Meteor-M: Cosmic Nostradamus. (2019)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:17 to collection V4 11/8/2022

Preparations for the fifth launch are being completed at the Vostochny cosmodrome.

The main load of the Soyuz is the Meteor-M satellite, whose tasks include a variety of work from short-term weather forecasting to global study of environmental problems.

The satellite was created in Moscow by specialists of the VNIIEM Corporation.

The device will become part of a large-scale complex in which similar satellites are already operating.

The plot starred Veronika Tinina, VNIIEM engineer, Vladimir Trofimov, technical director of work at the Vostochny Cosmodrome from VNIIEM, Alexander Vorontsov, Head of the Space Complexes Research and Development Center, Nikolai Pronin, head of the Glavkosmos Payload Launch Department, Andrey Kholopov, Deputy head of the Vostochny Cosmodrome technical complex, Vladislav Kornoushin, excavator driver.

Cosmonautics. IL-76 MDK: Zero gravity flight. (2019)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:47 to collection V4 11/8/2022

There are two ways to experience zero gravity without leaving the earth's atmosphere: underwater with the so-called "zero buoyancy" and on a special plane diving down and soaring up along a parabolic trajectory.

The training of cosmonaut candidates for the 2018 set has been completed at the Gagarin Central Research Center.

Inside the Il-76 MDK flying laboratory, future conquerors of orbits get acquainted with the feeling of weightlessness and acquire skills that will be useful in the future in real weightlessness during the unloading of ships, when moving equipment and other cargo, and just in ordinary everyday life at the station.

Alexey Khomenchuk and Anatoly Zabruskov starred in the plot of Nikolai Vdovin.

Cosmonautics. Record-Breaking "Progress". (2019)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:40 to collection V4 11/8/2022

On July 31, 2019, the Progress M S-12 cargo ship successfully docked to the ISS. The time from launch to docking was two turns or 3 hours 19 minutes, which makes it the fastest spacecraft in the history of flights to the station.

Roscosmos is completing the run-in of a new scheme on cargo ships, but it is likely that in a few years astronauts will also get to the ISS in 3 hours.

Meanwhile, experts are working to reduce the flight time to the ISS to 1 turn.

Space is getting closer.

Cosmonautics. Robot "Fedor". (2019)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:49 to collection V4 11/8/2022

The robot "Fedor" (FEDOR - Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research) is an anthropomorphic rescue robot, which was originally trained for service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Work began in 2014, but the general public became aware of them only after the first tests, and soon a new task appeared, already on a cosmic scale.

In the future, the robot, which has received a new name "Skybat F-850" (SKYBAT F850), will be able to perform the most difficult work both at the station and beyond.

Cosmonautics. Robots on the ISS. (2019)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:09 to collection V4 11/8/2022

A short story about the robot assistants of astronauts on the ISS.

Canadian manipulator "Dexter", part of the "CanadArm" system.

Japanese miniature robot astronaut "Kirobo".

American android "Robonaut-2".

American robot "Cimon" (CIMON - Crew Interactive Mobile CompanioN).

Cosmonautics. "Angara" on Amur. (2019)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:29 to collection V4 11/8/2022

At the Omsk enterprise "Flight", preparations have begun for the transfer of "Angara" to mass production.

The main launch for the heavy "Angara" will be the Vostochny cosmodrome in the Amur region.

Comments on: Viktor Shuliko, Sergey Kuznetsov, Sergey Krikalev.

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